Beauty can help evoke wonder and delight, which are foundations of a life of wisdom and inquiry.36 Beauty involves apprehending unity, harmony, proportion, wholeness, and radiance.37 It often manifests itself in simplicity and purity, especially in math and science.38 Often beauty has a type of pre-rational (striking) force upon the soul, for instance when one witnesses a spectacular sunset or the face of one’s beloved. Spitzer, R. and LeBlanc, C. The reason series. Milwaukee, WI: The Bruce Publishing Company. Religious instruction is to be scholastic in nature. In Catholic education, there is no separation between learning and formation. This resource guide is not a complete set of standards for any particular subject, but it is designed to complement a broader set of primarily content driven academic standards. Each academic discipline’s standards are broadly grouped into two sets focusing on grades K-6 and 7-12, with general, intellectual, and dispositional standards for each academic discipline. Share Catholic virtues and values (i.e., prudence and wisdom) gleaned from the study of human history to better evaluate personal behaviors, trends of contemporary society, and prevalent social pressures and norms. It is almost like assessing love. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Science and ethics, science and transcendence are not mutually exclusive, but come together for a greater and better understanding of man and the world” (II, #2). This particular curriculum is for use in both Catholic Schools and Parish Religious Education Programs for children from Pre-K to eighth grade. Does the bible conflict with science? Aquinas, T. (1912). O’Brien, M. (1998). Display a sense of the “good” by examining the degree in which characters significantly possess or lack the perfections proper to a) their nature as human persons, b) their proper role in society as understood in their own culture or the world of the text, c) the terms of contemporary culture, and d) the terms of Catholic tradition and moral norms. Retrieved from WS = Writing Standards involve formation of proper and logical thinking. The Catholic Curriculum Standards take into account guidance from Church documents which emphasize that Catholic education: This framework guides the second part of the inquiry, “What sort of academic standards might serve to guide a school’s curriculum toward this end?”. The document discusses the complementary role of harmonious spiritual and academic formation of the students and again focuses upon the school climate to impress upon the reader that. The means of Catholic education includes the permeation of religion throughout all subjects and grades of schooling for “…it is necessary not only that religious instruction be given to the young at certain fixed times, but also that every subject taught, be permeated with Christian piety,” because “if this is wanting, if this sacred atmosphere does not pervade and warm the hearts of masters and scholars alike, little good can be expected from any kind of learning, and considerable harm will often be the consequence” (#80). Display the virtues and values evident within stories that involve an ideal and take a stand for love, faith, courage, fidelity, truth, beauty, goodness, and all virtues. While assessing cognition seems slightly removed from the center of the person, assessing beliefs and values cuts to the heart. What does this reveal about the nature of what is seen? Faith, science, and reason: Theology on the cutting edge. English Language Arts Resources, Grades 7-12, How to Teach a Socratic Seminar. The Archdiocese of Chicago Curriculum Benchmarks are rigorous standards used by teachers in our schools to align curriculum, instruction and assessments to prepare students with the skills to be successful for their next level of work. See Joseph-Pearce.pdf, Socratic Teaching: Stimulating Life-long Learning. Justify how history, as a medium, can assist in recognizing and rejecting contemporary cultural values that threaten human dignity and are contrary to the Gospel message. Consultation with other educational experts about these characteristics helps validate the behaviors or lack thereof. Professional commitment; support of truth, justice and freedom; openness to the point of view of others, combined with an attitude of service; personal commitment to the students, and fraternal solidarity with everyone; [and] a life that is integrally moral in all its aspects. (1980). (2012). San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press. Parents and especially teachers have the duty and obligation to ensure this distinctive character, especially “By their witness and their behavior” (#78). For it will then be seen as something reasonable and worthy of being lived, something concrete and realizable. Relativism: Feet firmly planted in midair. Robert Spitzer, S.J. This approach (whole to part) can manifest itself in the alignment of courses of study (general biology in younger grades to micro-biology in high school) to the organization and presentation of curricular materials (superordinate concepts first then parallel and underlying concepts). Sufficient detail is given to the professional and spiritual formation of those working in Catholic schools. Analyze the thoughts and deeds of great men and women of the past. How does this measure up in terms of Catholic morality and virtue? Exhibit joy at solving difficult mathematical problems and operations. Value the human body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Courses of study are created with the Catholic school mission and philosophy as a guide. Pius XI (1929). Recognize how mathematical arguments and processes can be extrapolated to other areas of study, including theology and philosophy. In R. Topping (Ed. Show interest in the pursuit of understanding for its own sake. Ditmanson, H., Hong, H., & Quanbeck, W. p. 12; Ave Maria University Academic Catalog p. 134. What are an individual’s rights, duties, freedoms, and restraints? From nothing to cosmos: The workbook+. Consider incorporating a course designed specifically for the discussion of topics of faith and reason. This is the reference value, in view of which the various academic disciplines are important resources… From this perspective, what is taught is not neutral, and neither is the way of teaching it” (#65). (October 22, 1996). How does this square with what we know from revelation? Congregation for Catholic Education (2015). This does not prevent us from teaching the things that matter most. Evaluate the errors present in the belief system of scientific naturalism or scientism. Also, special “Courses of Lectures on Religion [are to] be offered each year to those who teach Christian doctrine in parochial and public schools, in order that they will increase in the quality and depth of their knowledge” (#37). Like these schools, Catholic educators lead students to know and appreciate reality using the best and most appropriate methods for the subject at hand and delve deeply into each specific academic discipline on its own terms, but Catholic education is also specifically and distinctly open to transcendent truths and an objective reality which surpasses and integrates the disciplines. Demonstrate how history helps us predict and plan for future events using prudence and wisdom gleaned from recognizing previous patterns of change, knowledge of past events, and a richer, more significant, view of personal experiences. Take advantage of this opportunity. But the New Testament idea of faith is not simple; indeed, it possesses a breadth of meaning that has led to varying understandings, even within a single Christian communion. As Catholic educators, our goal is to help our students to become good persons. Through inter-disciplinary dialogue religious instruction in schools underpins, activates, develops and completes the educational activity of the school (#73). Link it with life, context, and transcendent meaning. When contemplating an assessment, one should always ask: “What is the purpose, use, and measure of this assessment?” “Why is this assessment necessary?” “How will this assessment be used?” and “Is this a proper measure for this type of standard?” These types of questions are always necessary for any assessment, but especially assessments where students’ values and beliefs are the center of attention. Integrate writing exercises and instruction with reading of sound literature written by expert craftsmen and women. Mathematics teaches us how to construct these numbers in our mind from the simpler concepts immediately abstracted from reality. Without this witness, living in such an atmosphere, they may begin to regard Christian behavior as an impossible ideal (#32), “Lay Catholic teachers should be influenced by a Christian faith vision in the way they teach their course, to the extent that this is consistent with the subject matter” (#49), and should be seekers of the truth, which is found in Truth Himself, Christ. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books. See also Reed and Redden p.94. DBR Grades 9-12 Physical Education Standards; Religion Learning Standards- PK - 8 DBR Catholic Schools Religion Standards PK - 8; DBR High School Religion Curriculum Framework; Science Learning Standards-DBR Science Standards - Introduction; DBR Kindergarten Science Standards; DBR Grade 1 Science Standards; DBR Grade 2 Science Standards Albany, NY: The State University of New York Press. 8.F.2 Analyze the role of divine revelation and human reason in understanding faith and loving God. Unfortunately, students might not feel comfortable completing these assessments as accurately and honestly as they could if anonymity is not available. Since each child or young person must be able to live his or her own sexuality in conformity with Christian principles, and hence be able to exercise the virtue of chastity, no educator—not even parents—can interfere with this right to chastity (cf. Catholic education is discussed from the perspective of communion, defined as union both with God and neighbor. It should not be an accessory alongside of these disciplines, but rather it should engage in a necessary inter-disciplinary dialogue. Permission to reprint without modification to text, with attribution to author and to The Cardinal Newman Society, and (if published online) hyperlinked to the article on the Newman Society’s website. Teachers might also record more formal notations of student beliefs, values, and attitudes through the development of a more structured rating scale. George Coyne, S.J. Grade 7 & 8 10. (#66-67) Moreover, it must be pointed out that teaching the Catholic religion in schools has its own aims, different from those of catechesis. Contains twelve chapters with supplementary reading, study guide (vocabulary, study questions, and practical exercises) and endnotes. Explain the nature of rational discourse and argument and the desirability of precision and deductive certainty which mathematics makes possible and is not possible to the same degree in other disciplines. It is recommended that respect be given to the right of the child and the young person to be adequately informed by their own parents on moral and sexual questions in a way that complies with his or her desire to be chaste and to be formed in chastity. As Catholic Educators Teaching Religion in the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, we believe that: Catholic education is an expression of and participation in the mission entrusted by Jesus to His Church; The Catholic school embodies the three-fold purpose of … Belmont Abbey Academic Catalogue p.157. In every environment, whether it is favorable or not, Catholic educators will have to be credible witnesses” (III). These groupings are to facilitate dialogue and build an inter-disciplinary culture within the school. Preschool 2. Is the universe random and meaningless? GS = General Standards that articulate the above five premises. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (n.d.). National Paideia Center. Advance an understanding of the ability of the human intellect to know and the desire of the will to want to know more. A list of contributors and consultants is available in the Appendix.; Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, and Sacrament. Share concern and care for the environment as part of God’s creation. Secularized Christendom, from the eighteenth century to today. All religion textbooks are to have the approval of the Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishop's Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism. Is the theory of relativity a good theory? Standards are not new to Catholic schools in this country.The Catholic educational community in the United States has been in dialogue about standards in education at the state level for many years.Dioceses have reviewed, adapted, adopted or rejected state standards when creating and implementing diocesan guidelines.Each diocese has responded to state standards in light of the needs … “What do we have to believe before we can hope to become scientists? Retrieved from The-Moral-Imagination-K-8.pdf. Whenever possible use primary texts (or translations) in historical inquiry. Halpin, P. (1909). Nothing we do can ever be opposed to the truth, that is, opposed to reality which has its being in God. Share with others the beauty, harmony, proportion, radiance, and wholeness present in mathematics. Delight and wonder through the reading of creative, sound, and healthy stories, poems, and plays. Where is there proportion and harmony here? They should be active participants in the school and the surrounding community, so as to act as a conduit of Catholic culture and an evangelizer of the faith. Letter of His Holiness John Paul II to Reverend George V. Coyne, S.J. al), The Rule of St. Benedict (Benedict of Nursia), Treatise on Law and excerpts from other works (Aquinas), United States Declaration of Independence, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, Great Expectations (Dickens), Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus (Sophocles), Billy Budd, Bartleby the Scrivener, and other short stories (Melville), Brothers Karamazov or Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), Hamlet, Macbeth, and if possible King Lear and others (Shakespeare), One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich or The Gulag Archipelago [abridged] (Solzhenitsyn), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (anonymous), Recommended Catholic authors: Georges Bernanos, G.K. Chesterton, Shusaku Endo, Graham Greene, Victor Hugo, Flannery O’Connor, Walker Percy, Sigrid Undset, Evelyn Waugh, Recommended poets: Matthew Arnold, W. H. Auden, Hilaire Belloc, William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Lord Byron, G.K. Chesterton, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Richard Crashaw, Emily Dickinson, John Donne, T.S., Joseph Almeida, Ph.D. – Franciscan University of Steubenville: Chair of Department of Classics, Director of Great Books Honors Program, Director of Legal Studies Program, Professor of Classics and Legal Studies, Dominic Aquila, D. Litt. With this statement, we see the great importance and impact of even those individuals not directly hired as teachers to the total educational environment experienced by the student on a daily basis. Kindergarten 3. Explain the processes of conservation, preservation, overconsumption, and stewardship as it relates to creation and to caring for that which God has given to sustain and delight us. A landscape with dragons. Aristotle, & Ross, W. D. (1981). Part III discusses the many dimensions of necessary formation for Catholic schoolteachers, and Part IV addresses the types and kinds of ecclesial and institutional support needed and available for lay teachers in Catholic schools whose work in education is part of the specific mission of the Church. With this complete, a scale or frequency checklist can be created to provide reliability and guidance when observing students. It develops the ability to make correct use of judgment, promotes a sense of values, encourages just attitudes and prudent behavior, introduces a cultural heritage, and prepares students to take on the responsibilities to serve society and the Church.9 It prepares students to work for the evangelization of culture and the common good.10 In the light of faith, Catholic education critically and systematically transmits the civic and religious cultural patrimony handed down from previous generations, especially that which makes a person more human.11 Both educator and student participate in a dialogue with culture and pursue the integration of culture with faith and faith with living.12. The REO, in collaboration with the Catholic Schools Office, has published the Faith Formation (Religion) Curriculum and Standards. What is the relationship between man and God? Education must pay regard to the formation of the whole person, so that all may attain their eternal destiny and at the same time promote the common good of society. The document begins by stating, “Catholic education is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church He founded,” and “through education the Church seeks to prepare its members to proclaim the Good News and to translate this proclamation into action” (#7). Analyze how God has revealed Himself throughout time and history, including the things we know best and can easily verify. (1873). Ditmanson, H., Hong, H., & Quanbeck, W. p. 180. Emphasize the sociological and cultural process and achievements, including moral values, over a series of disjointed events. Evaluate how Christian social ethics extend to questions of politics, economy, and social institutions and not just personal moral decision-making. 7.F.2 Explain that each person of the Trinity is distinct but cannot be separated from the other persons. Religion Standards - Fifth Grade Promoting Knowledge of the Faith Liturgical Education Moral Formation Teaching to Pray Education for Community Life Missionary Initiation Experiential Learning ___ I can recognize that Jesus is the visible sign of God’s love. Is there any evidence for a creator in the universe? Summarize the case for the dignity of work and the rights of workers. Catholic Curriculum Standards K-8 Basic principles which inform all Catholic education in the Schools of the Diocese of Joliet are: All knowledge, in some way, reflects God’s Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Tailor questions and assignments to the real-world experiences and natural questions of the readers in the class. Describe the historical impact of the Catholic Church on human events. The context is the collaborative, unified learning and teaching environment where care and concern is exhibited between teachers and students; where a wealth of opportunities exist for students to thrive and develop their talents; where the cognitive, affective, social, professional, ethical and spiritual dimensions of the person are all addressed; and where ideas are respected, dialogue is free-flowing, and a rigorous commitment towards truth is found. When illumined by the light of faith, all knowledge becomes living, conscious, and active.7 Because students have access to reason, revelation, and the guidance of the Catholic Church, Catholic education is uniquely positioned to offer guidance on issues of values and morality as well as to provide life-giving and definitive answers related to questions of human purpose, human dignity, and human flourishing. – Thomas More College of Liberal Arts: Fellow, Gregory Townsend, Ph.D. – Christendom College: Vice President of Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Mathematics and Natural Science, Michael Van Hecke, M.Ed. This very brief encyclical by Pope Leo XIII advances the benefits of a Catholic education. However, anyone with an interest in Catholic education may find them useful. What do we know from revelation? We must believe that his order is open to the human mind, for otherwise there would be no point in trying to find it. Chapter review and summary questions are included for each chapter. Gaudium et spes: Pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world. While not a Catholic school document, per se, the directory for catechesis from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops insists on the role of the Catholic school as a center for evangelization and catechesis, stating “its catechetical program is essential to is distinctly Catholic identity and character” (p.231). Another option: 1. The atmosphere is characterized by discovery and awareness that enkindles a love for truth, a desire to know the universe as God’s creation, and an awakening of a critical sense of examination which impels the mind to learn with order and precision.13 Catholic education, imbued with the light of faith, instills a sense of responsibility and encourages strength and perseverance in the quest for knowledge.14 Catholic intellectual efforts and formation are significantly more rich and profound given this broader understanding of reality, access to transcendent truths, support from a cultural heritage, and the efficacy of God’s grace poured forth from the Sacraments and guided by the Holy Spirit. Advocate for the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the intrinsic value or discovery of the true and the beautiful often at the requirement of great sacrifice, discipline, and effort. Which of these (i.e., poems, experiments, proofs, theories, people, functions, concepts) is more beautiful and why? Seeks to know and understand objective reality, including transcendent Truth, which is knowable by reason and faith and finds its origin, unity, and end in God. See It is essential that our parishes and schools be prepared to … Share how literature ignites the creative imagination in healthy ways. Intellectual Standards: CS: S.712: IS1 It is only in this way that they can make their teaching a school of faith, that is to say, a transmission of the Gospel, as required by the educational project of the Catholic school (#25). Looks for ways of making life easier for others. The document addresses Catholic higher education and its challenges and then concludes with a quote from Pope Francis to educators (below) and a questionnaire. The more completely an educator can give concrete witness to the model of the ideal person that is being presented to the students, the more this ideal will be believed and imitated. Catholics hold that when our senses are in good condition and functioning properly under normal circumstances, and when our reason is functioning honestly and clearly, we can come to know reality and have the ability to make true judgments about reality. Retrieved from, John Paul II (1996). The work of these teachers, this sacred synod declares, is in the real sense of the word an apostolate most suited to and necessary for our times and at once a true service offered to society. Oxford, England: Rowman and Littlefield Co. Moore, T. (2013). San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press. DS = Dispositional Standards involve the formation of character, beliefs, attitudes, and values, or other non-cognitive standards. As Catholic educators, we know many of life’s most important things are invisible to the eye and do not lend themselves to the scientist’s tools of measurement. Analyze how literature helps identify, interpret, and assimilate the cultural patrimony handed down from previous generations. Good writing comes from good reading and good example. I am pleased to promulgate the Diocese of Peoria Religion Curriculum Guide for Catholic Schools, which outlines the religion standards and assessment categories that will be used in the elementary schools of the Diocese. When focusing on whether a student possesses a certain attitude, belief, or value, we are entering into an area that is highly personal and might change from day to day.
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