Population size fluctuates at differing rates in differing regions. [72] One extreme scenario predicted a massive increase to 256 billion by 2150, assuming the global fertility rate remained at its 1995 level of 3.04 children per woman; however, by 2010 the global fertility rate had declined to 2.52. [81], The CIA estimated nominal 2013 gross world product at US$74.31 trillion, giving an annual global per capita figure of around US$10,500. This includes people whose usual residence is in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. A number of factors contributed to this increase, including the lessening of the mortality rate in many countries by improved sanitation and medical advances, and a massive increase in agricultural productivity attributed to the Green Revolution. [86] The world's most-spoken first languages are Mandarin Chinese (spoken by 12.4% of the world's population), Spanish (4.9%), English (4.8%), Arabic (3.3%) and Hindi (2.7%). [27] The Black Death pandemic of the 14th century may have reduced the world's population from an estimated 450 million in 1340 to between 350 and 375 million in 1400;[28] it took 200 years for population figures to recover. [34] New crops that were brought to Asia and Europe from the Americas by Portuguese and Spanish colonists in the 16th century are believed to have contributed to population growth. [174], The University of Nebraska publication Green Illusions argues that population control to alleviate environmental pressures need not be coercive. The United Nations estimated the number of men in the world to be 3,776,294,273, as of April 2017, compared with 3,710,295,643 women. Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 200 million (some estimate 300 million or even 600, suggesting how imprecise population estimates of early historical periods can be), with a growth rate of under 0.05% per year. People living on Earth. Early estimates for the population of the world[19] date to the 17th century: William Petty in 1682 estimated world population at 320 million (modern estimates ranging close to twice this number); by the late 18th century, estimates ranged close to one billion (consistent with modern estimates). "[40] By the end of the 20th century, scholarly consensus favored an estimate of roughly 55 million people, but numbers from various sources have ranged from 10 million to 100 million. This is the oldest date for which anyone has even a reasonable guess as to the population. [123][124] The 2019 Revision of the UN estimates gives the "medium variant" population as; nearly 8.6 billion in 2030, about 9.7 billion in 2050 and about 10.9 billion in 2100. © Copyright Worldometers.info - All rights reserved -, World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision, The World at Six Billion, World Population, Year 0 to near stabilization, World Population Prospect: the 2019 Revision, Population Estimates and Projections Methodology. [162] Indeed, some analysts claim that overpopulation's most serious impact is its effect on the environment. [73][74], There is no estimation for the exact day or month the world's population surpassed one or two billion. [32] At the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, China's population was reported to be close to 60 million; toward the end of the dynasty in 1644, it may have approached 150 million. The world population has grown rapidly, particularly over the past century: in 1900 there were fewer than 2 billion people on the planet; today there are 7.7 billion. It states that "Women who are educated, economically engaged, and in control of their own bodies can enjoy the freedom of bearing children at their own pace, which happens to be a rate that is appropriate for the aggregate ecological endowment of our planet. [106] Adrian Raftery, a University of Washington professor of statistics and of sociology, states that "there’s a 70 percent probability the world population will not stabilize this century. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "World’s Most Typical Person: Han Chinese Man", "Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050", "Федеральная служба государственной статистики", "Indicadores demográficos de México de 1950 a 2050 - Selecciona un año para la República Mexicana - Indicadores demográficos de la República Mexicana en el año", "Japan's population suffers biggest fall in history", "UN population estimates and projections, database query, August 2009", World population to keep growing this century, hit 11 billion by 2100, "World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision", Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, "World Population Prospects The 2015 Revision", "Toba super-volcano catastrophe idea "dismissed, Total Midyear Population for the World: 1950-2050, "Notes on the World POPClock and World Vital Events", "World Population Prospects, the 2012 Revision – "Low variant" and "High variant" values", "World population projected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050 – UN report", "A model predicts that the world's populations will stop growing in 2050", "World population to hit 12bn in 2100 – with 70% chance of continuous rise", "World population stabilization unlikely this century", "World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights", "World's population to hit 7.75 billion in 2019", "World population in 2100 could be 2 billion below UN forecasts, study suggests", "Landmark analysis documents the alarming global decline of nature", "Overpopulation's Real Victim Will Be the Environment", "World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision", "World Population – Total Midyear Population for the World: 1950–2050", "A Compact Mathematical Model of the World System Economic and Demographic Growth, 1 CE – 1973 CE", "The phenomenological theory of world population growth", "World faces 'perfect storm' of problems by 2030, chief scientist to warn", "Paul Ehrlich, a prophet of global population doom who is gloomier than ever", "Constraints on the Expansion of the Global Food Supply", "Host Plant Resistance and Conservation of Genetic Diversity", "Reconsidering the Limits to World Population: Meta-analysis and Meta-prediction", 10.1641/0006-3568(2004)054[0195:RTLTWP]2.0.CO;2, "Food crisis will take hold before climate change, warns chief scientist", "Global food crisis looms as climate change and fuel shortages bite", "Experts: Global Food Shortages Could 'Continue for Decades, "Has Urbanization Caused a Loss to Agricultural Land? [32] In that year, the population of Western Han was recorded as 57,671,400 individuals in 12,366,470 households, decreasing to 47,566,772 individuals in 9,348,227 households by AD 146, towards the End of the Han Dynasty. [157], The observed figures for 2007 showed an actual increase in absolute numbers of undernourished people in the world, with 923 million undernourished in 2007, versus 832 million in 1995. Of the individuals currently living, the average age is approximately 30.1 years. [77] The world's largest religion is Christianity, whose adherents account for 31.4% of the global population;[87] Islam is the second-largest religion, accounting for 24.1%, and Hinduism the third, accounting for 13.8%. In 1975, Sebastian von Hoerner proposed a formula for population growth which represented hyperbolic growth with an infinite population in 2025. when the ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago when hominids were present), taking into account that all population data are a rough estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to modern times, it has been estimated that a total of approximately 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the human species, making the population currently alive roughly 6% of all people who have ever lived on planet Earth. [62] Java had about 5 million inhabitants in 1815; its present-day successor, Indonesia, now has a population of over 140 million. Earth day is too white and out of touch how many people are there in the world only two thirds of american millennials slavery reparations poll ly 75 of how many people live on our pla What If There Weren T So Many White People Oktrends7 5 Billion And Counting How Many … Worldometer is the only website to show live counters that are based on U.N. data and that do not follow the user's PC clock.Visitors around the world visiting a PC clock based counter, see different numbers depending on where they are located, and in the past have seen other world population clocks - such as the one hosted on a United Nations website and on National Geographic - reaching 7 billion whenever their locally set PC clocks reached 4:21:10 AM on October 31, 2011. The United Nations Population Division (UNPD), which keeps track of the world population, projects that the world's human population will hit 7 billion on Halloween Day 2011. [155] In 2009, the UK government's chief scientific advisor, Professor John Beddington, warned that growing populations, falling energy reserves and food shortages would create a "perfect storm" of shortages of food, water, and energy by 2030. The world population is 7.7 billion. The United Nations projects world population to reach 10 billion in the year 2057. [9], Total annual births were highest in the late 1980s at about 139 million,[10] and as of 2011 were expected to remain essentially constant at a level of 135 million,[11] while deaths numbered 56 million per year and were expected to increase to 80 million per year by 2040. We are fighting a losing battle, UN admits", "Half of all food 'wasted' report claims", "Oil shock could push world food prices higher", "Global food production will have to increase 70% for additional 2.3 billion people by 2050", "The State of Food Insecurity in the World, 2008: High food prices and food security – threats and opportunities", "One sixth of humanity undernourished – more than ever before", "The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection", "Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction", "Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines", "World Scientists' Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice", "Population explosion fuelling rapid reduction of wildlife on African savannah, study shows", "Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth's natural life", "Humans exploiting and destroying nature on unprecedented scale – report", "Animal populations worldwide have declined by almost 70% in just 50 years, new report says", "The best way to reduce your carbon footprint is one the government isn't telling you about", "China one-child policy leads to forced abortions, mothers' deaths", "Paul Ehrlich: 'Collapse of civilisation is a near certainty within decades, "Morgan Freeman on the 'Tyranny of Agriculture' and the Doomed Human Race", "Agriculture and Human Population Growth", "Fact or Fiction? [52] Improved material conditions led to the population of Britain increasing from 10 million to 40 million in the 19th century. [26] The population of Europe was more than 70 million in 1340. View the full tabulated data. Robust population data only exist for the last two or three centuries. [170][171], A July 2017 study published in Environmental Research Letters argued that the most significant way individuals could mitigate their own carbon footprint is to have fewer children, followed by living without a vehicle, foregoing air travel, and adopting a plant-based diet. [51], Population growth in the West became more rapid after the introduction of vaccination and other improvements in medicine and sanitation. There is no less than 1,000,000 White people in Central America. [77] The median age of the world's population was estimated to be 29.7 years in 2014,[79] and is expected to rise to 37.9 years by 2050. Worldometer About FAQ Licensing Newsletter Contact. The current population of the entire world at this point in time is 7.6 billion. The number of people alive today is roughly 7.2 billion. There’s a common myth about this. Given the current global population of about 7.5 billion (based on our most recent estimate as of 2019), that means those of us currently alive represent about 7 percent of the total number of humans who have ever lived. [138][156] According to a 2009 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the world will have to produce 70% more food by 2050 to feed a projected extra 2.3 billion people. Ehrlich places the optimum global population size at 1.5 to 2 billion people. [163][164][165][166] By 2050 population growth, along with profligate consumption, could result in oceans containing more plastic than fish by weight. [186] Thus, there is a significant margin of error when estimating ancient global populations. [165] In November 2017, a statement by 15,364 scientists from 184 countries asserted that rapid human population growth is the "primary driver behind many ecological and even societal threats. people in the world People in the world calculation Currently, the population of the world is increased by 2.4 people every second. [75][needs update], As of 2012, the global sex ratio is approximately 1.01 males to 1 female. Most scholars believe that, without the Revolution, there would be greater levels of famine and malnutrition than the UN presently documents. In 1970, there were roughly half as many people in the world as there are now. Estimated and projected populations of the world and its continents (except Antarctica) from 1950 to 2100. Europe's 747 million people make up 10% of the world's population as of 2020, while the Latin American and Caribbean regions are home to around 653 million (8%). While no one knows for sure how the world population will grow in the years to come, it’s expanding at a fast rate. [130], Scientists contend that human overpopulation, continued human population growth and overconsumption, particularly by the wealthy, are the primary drivers of mass species extinction. [120][121] 2003 UN Population Division population projections for the year 2150 range between 3.2 and 24.8 billion. The world population counter displayed on Worldometer takes into consideration data from two major sources: the United Nations and the U.S. Census Bureau. Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people. Results are only shown for names with at least two bearers. [12] [103], During the 2010s, Japan and some countries in Europe began to encounter negative population growth (i.e. World population will therefore continue to grow in the 21st century, but at a much slower rate compared to the recent past. China's population rose from approximately 430 million in 1850 to 580 million in 1953,[60] and now stands at over 1.3 billion. This feedback can be described as follows: technological advance → increase in the carrying capacity of land for people → demographic growth → more people → more potential inventors → acceleration of technological advance → accelerating growth of the carrying capacity → faster population growth → accelerating growth of the number of potential inventors → faster technological advance → hence, the faster growth of the Earth's carrying capacity for people, and so on. Nishijima, Sadao (1986), "The economic and social history of Former Han", in Twitchett, Denis; Loewe, Michael. [153][154], David Pimentel, professor of ecology and agriculture at Cornell University, estimates that the sustainable agricultural carrying capacity for the United States is about 200 million people; its population as of 2015 is over 300 million. U.S. Population. Between 1950 and 1984, as the Green Revolution transformed agriculture around the world, grain production increased by over 250%. Nature 397.6715 (1999): 101. There is no less than 500,000 White people in Puerto Rico. During the 20th century, the global population saw its greatest increase in known history, rising from about 1.6 billion in 1900 to over 6 billion in 2000. This is partially due to the ethical difficulty in rounding off numbers that supposedly represent real people, officially counted during a census." [98], In 2006, the United Nations stated that the rate of population growth was visibly diminishing due to the ongoing global demographic transition. [159], A number of scientists have argued that the current global population expansion and accompanying increase in resource consumption threatens the world's ecosystem. However, after 2024, it is unlikely that there will be another doubling of the global population in the 21st century. [22] Kapitza (1996) cites estimates ranging between 80 and 150 billion. The world population has grown rapidly, particularly over the past century: in 1900 there were fewer than 2 billion people on the planet; today there are 7.7 billion.. [84] 83% of the world's over-15s are considered literate. Wonder how big was the world's population when you were born? How Many People Live In The World? The rate of increase has nearly halved since then, and will continue to decline in the coming years. [183][184][185] Haub characterized this figure as an estimate that required "selecting population sizes for different points from antiquity to the present and applying assumed birth rates to each period".[184]. [6] [177], Other academicians and public figures have pointed to the role of agriculture and agricultural productivity of increasing human carrying capacity, which results in population overshoot, as with any other species when their food supply experiences an increase, which in turn results in resource depletion and mass poverty and starvation in the case of humans. ", "Feed the world? Name search is based on the names in the registered population on 31 December 2019. Nonetheless, population growth is the long-standing trend on all inhabited continents, as well as in most individual states. [20] More refined estimates, broken down by continents, were published in the first half of the 19th century, at 600 million to 1 billion in the early 1800s and at 800 million to 1 billion in the 1840s. A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: whereas it had taken all of human history until around 1800 for world population to reach one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in 30 years (1960), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987). Using the above figures, the change in population from 2010 to 2015 was: Long-term global population growth is difficult to predict. Average global birth rates are declining fast, but vary greatly between developed countries (where birth rates are often at or below replacement levels) and developing countries (where birth rates typically remain high). Long-range predictions to 2150 range from a population decline to 3.2 billion in the "low scenario", to "high scenarios" of 24.8 billion. [127] Some analysts have questioned the sustainability of further world population growth, highlighting the growing pressures on the environment,[128] global food supplies, and energy resources.[129][130][131]. The United Nations and the US Census Bureau both give different estimates – according to the UN, the world population reached seven billion in late 2011,[109] while the USCB asserted that this occurred in March 2012. [82] Around 1.29 billion people (18.4% of the world population) live in extreme poverty, subsisting on less than US$1.25 per day;[83] approximately 870 million people (12.3%) are undernourished. By 2000, there were approximately ten times as many people on Earth as there had been in 1700. By contrast, it is estimated that around 50–60 million people lived in the combined eastern and western Roman Empire in the 4th century AD. [77] In 2005, around 16% of the global population were reported to be non-religious.[88]. On this page you can see every single one of us. [104] However, this is only one of many estimates published by the UN; in 2009, UN population projections for 2050 ranged between around 8 billion and 10.5 billion. Pick a number", "The Story Of... Smallpox – and other Deadly Eurasian Germs", "By 2050, 70% of the world's population will be urban. [54] The United States saw its population grow from around 5.3 million in 1800 to 106 million in 1920, exceeding 307 million in 2010. Search on a name: how many people are called...? Figures include the former Soviet countries in Europe. Obviously, the UN data is based on estimates and can't be 100% accurate, so in all honesty nobody can possibly say with any degree of certainty on which day world population reached 7 billion (or any other exact number), let alone at what time. The population of the Indian subcontinent, which was about 125 million in 1750, increased to 389 million in 1941;[61] today, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are collectively home to about 1.63 billion people. [73] One of many independent mathematical models supports the lower estimate,[122] while a 2014 estimate forecasts between 9.3 and 12.6 billion in 2100, and continued growth thereafter. The Population Division of the United Nations declared the "Day of 7 Billion" to be 31 October 2011. At the dawn of agriculture, about 8000 B.C., the population of the world was approximately 5 million. How many people speak English? Antoni van Leeuwenhoek computed 13.4 billion in 1679. PRB estimates that by 2050 … Earth's capacity. [41] Encounters between European explorers and populations in the rest of the world often introduced local epidemics of extraordinary virulence. [But] it will take a very long time to humanely reduce total population to a size that is sustainable." Randers' "most likely scenario" reveals a peak in the world population in the early 2040s at about 8.1 billion people, followed by decline. ", "Victorian Medicine – From Fluke to Theory", "Vladimir Putin vows to reverse Russian population decline", "Russia's Population Decline Said To Have 'Stopped, "Reintegrating India with the World Economy", "The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", "From Traitors to Heroes: 100 Years of Mexican Migration Policies", "Population and Housing Census: Mexico 2010", "U.S. Census Bureau – World POPClock Projection", "Population seven billion: UN sets out challenges", "7 billion people is a 'serious challenge", "World Population Prospects, the 2008 Revision – Frequently Asked Questions", "World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring health for the SDGs Annex B: tables of health statistics by country, WHO region and globally", "Sex-ratio imbalance in Asia: Trends, consequences and policy responses", "General debate on national experience in population matters: adolescents and youth", "Global weight gain more damaging than rising numbers", "What It Will Take to 'Graduate' 1.2 Billion People Out of Extreme Poverty". [168] The Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, released by IPBES in 2019, states that human population growth is a factor in biodiversity loss. The InterAcademy Panel Statement on Population Growth, which was ratified by 58 member national academies in 1994, states that "unprecedented" population growth aggravates many environmental problems, including rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, global warming, and pollution. View the complete population historical table, View population projections for all years (up to 2100). "[175] The book Fatal Misconception by Matthew Connelly similarly points to the importance of supporting the rights of women in bringing population levels down over time. 2012 United Nations projections show a continued increase in population in the near future with a steady decline in population growth rate; the global population is expected to reach between 8.3 and 10.9 billion by 2050. 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