Please be on the lookout for our email with more details. You will then need to set up this account to properly obtain the securities from the Treasury. It can also be broken down in 10 mil dollar blocks by financial institutions. Account Management Information (AMI) is an integral part of the Accounting Information Services suite. Services This MT760 cannot be monetized only debt payments! In FOIA Request FBI Says It Never Looked at Seth Rich’s Laptop in Their Possession for Years – Does Anyone Believe This? These hoax videos offer to supply account numbers in exchange for personal information, such as Social Security numbers.People aren't aware that they've been the victim of a scam until they try to use the "account number" to pay … The Master Account feature allows ClickBank users to link accounts together. Update your Sign in ID. When you were born, your parents volunteered to the government that you were incompetent, and you are not capable of managing your Strawman Account; or your Estate. Account Management Information. They can access your myQ account without having to share your password. They can access your myQ account without having to share your password. The Debt to Success System - DTSS Complete Freedom Reviews the Straw Man Account Scam & Secured Party Creditor Status Correction Freeing You From U.S. Government Victimless Crime Laws, Income Taxes, Judgments, Licenses, Permits, Incarceration, etc. Account Management Information (AMI) is an integral part of the Accounting Information Services suite. Which means they will settle the debt from this account. This is about how to access your Master strawman account. register your new account (as described in "Managing Multiple Heroku Accounts"): heroku accounts:add myNewAccount (2013, ddollar/heroku-accountsdeprecated) Use heroku/heroku-accounts with heroku plugins:install heroku-accounts heroku accounts:add myNewAccount followed by Heroku credentials (Email, password) Make sure your ~/.ssh/config file has an 'myNewAccount' entry. Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it won’t let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it.. DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E does NOT offer any help or assistance in terms of accessing your account. This suggestion is invalid because no changes were made to the code. If you would like to authenticate your birth certificate, there is a process on how to get that done for those born in the U.K. We know how frustrating it can be to find misinformaton out there. Change your Online ID. 7. Read More. The truth is, birth certificates cannot be used for purchases, nor can they be used to request savings bonds purportedly held by the government. or my married name? Make purchases that will be charged to a “Exemption Account” (perhaps identified by your social security number or EIN), or; Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. The UCC file number is used as the bond number which will reference your birth certificate bond number. A straw man serves its owner/master with slavish devotion, but the vast majority of you do not even know that you have one. SO THIS IS WHY I SAY BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU GO INTO THIS AND USE ANY FUNDS FROM IT YOU WILL HAVE TO FILE A RETURN ON IT. The UCC filing number on the upper right-hand corner is the number to use as a bond number? MUST READ! When you receive your green card you know they have been notified you have claimed your Birth Certificate. 9. “In order to receive a CUSIP number for your birth certificate bond first you have to file your UCC-1″. The Top of the Pyramid; The Khazarian Mafia 2.0 8. Download Now . Make sure the account will be able to accept ALL “negotiable instruments”. Invite Another User to myQ Account. Apply for DTC registration. aPlease email [email protected] and we will let you know by email if your UCC was correctly filed or not. This essay will discuss how one might be able to use the exemption to discharge debt. By A.W.A.R.E | 2019-12-21T17:39:28-05:00 July 25th, 2017 | Blog , Free Knowledge , Strawman | This is about how to access your Master strawman account. I again thank you for your timely responses. 6. Welcome To A.W.A.R.E, the Most Trusted Sovereign and Business Redemption Providers for We the People. Access Your Account » Account Number . This is done at your OWN DISCRETION, withOUT the help of anyone at These accounts were established at the time of your birth or when you were issued a … File UCC in state of birth and in one of the three redemptions States. But we had to set up the CUSIP blind. This is not legal advise by no means. Privacy Policy You could say that the current economic system has been set up for our benefit, to repay us as the … Create your account to access this entire worksheet A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets Access to all video lessons n email to all subscribers will go out regarding this update. Those funds will go directly to the pass through bank for debt discharge only. By A.W.A.R.E | 2019-12-21T17:39:28-05:00 July 25th, 2017 | Blog , Free Knowledge , Strawman | This is about how to access your Master strawman account. If not you will have to apply through the NYSE via SEC. Thank you so much, You may only pay bills. But I am still thinking through this process so I may have my ducks in a row before I begin. Now we have listed down the steps you got to follow to bypass the Google account verification after reset. AMI integrates the Account Balance System (ABS), Enterprise Accounting System (EASy) and Collateral Management System information to provide online, critical real-time information about your institution’s Federal Reserve account. 5 Vote Up Vote Down. I would like to access my Pre-Paid Account as Agent, that was created at my Birth by UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION. 5. Add this suggestion to a batch that can be applied as a single commit. Basically you take ownership of your Birth Certificate using UCC-1, and then use that as authority to create a discharge Bond.,, The History of Voluntary Slavery: Birth (Settlement) Certificates, Why Would Sleepy Joe’s Team YANK Trump’s 1776 Report on the History of the Republic? This is about how to access your Master strawman account. Access Your Master Straw Man Account – AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! It’s illegal to use other routing numbers from other banks! Built by. And it should work as A4V with a 100% success rate! Obtain Counsel. We found the bond amount is 100 million. If your organization holds the Master Account, you are eligible to establish additional services by completing the following forms in Step 7 -Complete Forms/Agreements. Obtain … Pull down funds from TDA through pass through account. Make sure you make this clear to Paypal and Amazon, when you try to make this your primary account, believe me I am creating a game called the Paypal Game, if you get thru the Matrix, you get a prize, I guess I am there I can write echecks and have a World Mastercard. This led me to think of getting a LLC so that I may set up a commercial/pass through account for me to discharge debts. Yes. Using the code on the back of your social security card, you can locate the routing number associated to your account. This is NOT a service we offer nor an area of our expertise so please do not contact us asking us to help you access your strawman account or anything in the likeliness of accessing the funds of the strawman because you will NOT get a reply. Oh, my, Matilda, the horses can talk and the sheep can dance! The myQ Users feature allows you to invite 2 Co-Owners and up to 5 Guests. When you give FRNs for goods and services, you are giving a promise to pay made by the federal government. This is accomplished via your strawman account. I’ve found it in another group where the guy posted it a month ago but hasn’t posted anything more since. I wish to use it to begin discharging any debt … The Proposed Bill on Rent & Mortgage Cancellation Act That Was Passed For The Benefit of We The People, Healthy Vegan Zucchini Lasagna Roll Ups Recipe. 5. We simply share Patrick’s information, documents, audios, calls, and files. Like I said if you don’t know no one will tell you. is not a Patrick Devine website. Can i file a UCC-1 in Washington. Now you are Master of your own "vessel" and nobody can say otherwise, and if they infringe on your copyright in an effort to defraud you, you can call them on it in no uncertain terms with the proof of your recorded Common Law copyright to shove in their astonished faces. Please be as detailed as possible as to what you’re inquiring about so we can better assist you. As the owners of this site, we have the right to enforce any policies and terms we feel necessary. OWNERSHIP is passé in the new age of digital laissez-faire … Are the fees upfront or are they deducted once the bond goes live? AMI integrates the Account Balance System (ABS), Enterprise Accounting System (EASy) and Collateral Management System information to provide online, critical real-time information about your institution’s Federal Reserve account. Frequently Asked Questions Actually this just creates an account to discharge your bills, it won't let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it. 2. A social security number is not just a government ID, it’s also the account number for your personal account, allegedly known as a Treasury Direct Account (TDA). What are the fees involved and how is the firm compensated? Remove your device from the previous account so that it can’t be tracked or remotely blocked by the previous account. Post your bond with Treasury. The only thing I learned from the strawman process was the UCC and even that wasn’t filed properly. We had no knowledge of this process. You'll need your sign-in ID (email address) and your online ID (user name) to set up your account. From the intel provided it seems that they finally figured out how to access your Strawman accounts now known as TDA. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. And that’s it. And one last question and I hope you don’t get offended because I am sincere: Is there anyone you have done this for that is willing to vouch for the process? Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it won’t let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it. Where Is Patrick Devine Files? Once you file your UCC-1 you will get the file number create your bond with the UCC Trust Account. So be ready for handling this type of account. Your name always appears in capital letters on all government documents which means you are being recognized as a corporation/Strawman. Would someone kindly please tell me the appropriate steps on “how to set up your ucc account” and “How to set up your treasury direct account”? secretly acquire property etc. Apply for CUSIP number through the UCC Connection – How the Uniform Commercial Code ‘secretly took over’ the world. We are currently working on our website development and appreciate and thank your patience through our growth progress. There have been some prints of Individual Master Files (IMF) that show the bond placed on the newborn having a value of around $650.000 dollars. This 9-digit account number is what later on issues as the corporate fiction Strawman’s SSN number. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. Master strawman account. This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. No guess work on our part. About Us Your best bet is to walk into a bank and speak to a bank rep on the “Private side” of the bank to get real information. I know we spent well over 10k for our retainer but it was worth it considering they worked directly with DTC to get the process completed. When you write a check, you are promising that your bank will honor it and transfer credits from your account to the account of the party to whom you wrote the check. The Top of the Pyramid; The Khazarian Mafia 2.0 ; The Protocols of Zion is Derived from the Jewish Talmud, But never Semitic; Israel’s Secretive Nuclear … Cryptocurrencies: Getting Started & The Bitcoin Halving of 2020! Brian Kelly’s Blog: Proof ALL of Your Debt is PRE-PAID! How are they compensated? Owner, Slave and Master It seems that people are reporting that the process to pay your bills from your secret Strawman accounts are working. We simply share his files, documents, and audios free of charge. You may not exceed this amount. Donate To A.W.A.R.E This suggestion is invalid because no changes were made to the code. File UCC in state of birth and in one of the three redemptions States. Open up Commercial Account and TDA account. Co-Owners - A Co-Owner is ideally a family member or close friend you can trust to share with account with, including settings and features. Ph: 09-631-7044. 5 Answers. That is why, A.W.A.R.E strives to offer only accurate knowledge and not mixed. The process is simple and makes managing multiple accounts easier. Co-Owners - A Co-Owner is ideally a family member or close friend you can trust to share with account with, including settings and features. Regime Fears the People: Thousands of National Guard Asked to Remain in DC Until Mid-March. Giving your Straw Man I.D. CORPORATE YES YES RESALE UNDER RULE 144A NAME OF ISSUER “YOUR NAME IN CAPS” STATE YOU WERE BORN IN OFFERING AMOUNT 100,000,000 SHARES 1 CLOSING DATE “TODAYS DATE” YES LEAD UNDERWRITER “YOUR NAME” LEAD CONTACT “YOUR BANKER” YOUR COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT NUMBER BOTTOM OF FORM ASSIGNED CUSIP NUMBER CLASS “A” INTEREST RATE “MARKET” MATURITY DATE “5 – 10- 15- 20 YEAR OFFERING AMOUNT TYPE OF ISSUE 144A NO OFFERING TO PUBLIC HOPE THIS HELPS — @… wrote: > > Okay, a pass through account from a bank is something else Mr. Lou stated as in a commercial account. You have to set up the TDA once you have DTC questionnaire complete and you will need an advising pass through bank in order to complete this process. So your CLAIM becomes your CONSENT where you pledge your body and/or property you have to pledge as your bond/insurance as surety against your CLAIM. When you register for an account, it's up to you … Add this suggestion to a batch that can be applied as a single commit. If you lack this key perception, you may assume you are his owner, but you will never be the master! And the UCC has to state the collateral in which will fund the trust. Learn how to activate and deactivate your console. Access Your Master Straw Man Account | A.W.A.R.E. Steps to take to access social security master accounts. If your organization holds the Master Account, you are eligible to establish additional services by completing the following forms in Step 7 -Complete Forms/Agreements. Important message: WARNING WARNING WARNING You are accessing a U.S. Government information system (which includes computers, computer networks, and all devices and storage media attached to a Treasury network or to a computer on such network) that is provided for U.S. Government-authorized use only. You can never walk into a bank and get cash from this commercial account! Contact . Join our exclusive membership to gain access to the most powerful redemption tools on the planet. They will be the TRANSFER AGENT for the treasury. Redeem Birth Cert. Under freedom of Information act, please provide me with the following information: I would like to access my Pre-Paid Account as Agent, that was created at my Birth by UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION. Use this post for your known level of advancement. We can review your UCC 1 filing for you, for free. And it could create a huge IRS bill. It would mean the ability to get out from under the debt that is crushing so many people. They will charge a retainer. AND THIS IS NO JOKE. The Redemption Service is THE #1 Redemption, UCC, Secured Party Creditor, and Sovereignty SOURCE! The government went in and declared you DEAD and lost at SEE (the sea of admiralty) and claimed your estate as their own. 1. Our team is working on gathering all of Patrick’s documents. Jenny M. Instead of filing in Washington, you would file in New York since it’s great for foreigners and is an international filing state. Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it won’t let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it.. DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E does NOT offer any help or assistance in terms of accessing your account. It is illegal to use CUSIP numbers from other instruments! But I don’t want the Men In Black on my door either if you know what I mean. Your UCC can be filed online, your documents are registered mail to the treasury, your CUSIP application can be done online, YOUR DTC questionnaire may be filled out online as well. For more information, see "Authenticating with a verified device, SSH token, or personal access token." Activate console as primary. A recent hoax circulating on the internet asserts that the Federal Reserve maintains accounts for individuals that are tied to the individual's Social Security number, and that individuals can access these accounts to pay bills and obtain money. It is a comprehensive overview of the lawful ramifications for trying to access these accounts, and some of the essential knowledge about law. Send your bond to the SECRETARY OF Treasury. Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it won’t let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it. 4. I hope this helps! Remember to replace the placeholder values in brackets with your own values. Beginning in 2017, videos began appearing online claiming to assist people in accessing their "secret" Federal Reserve accounts. 3. Redemption / Strawman / Bond Fraud Proponents of this scheme claim that the U.S. government or the Treasury Department control bank accounts—often referred to as “U.S. Make sure you hire a Trust firm to handle your DTC APPLICATION. If I fail to reclaim rights to title of my straw man by filling a (Universal Commercial Code) UCC – 1 making me the creditor and absolute ruler of my straw man, I will not be sovereign and I will lose at resolution of any dispute. This process will allow you to use your account in commerce. Proof All of Your Debt is Prepaid! Apply for DTC registration. By the STRAWMAN fiction that my name was turned into as part of the CORPORATION in order for account to operate and be used in commerce. Suggestions cannot be … Legal Fiction Name Back with full use under USUFRUCT, a civil law that is the right of enjoying a thing, the property of which is vested in another, and to draw from the same all the profit, utility and advantage which it may produce, provided it be without altering the substance of the thing ; straw man definition: 1. an argument, claim, or opponent that is invented in order to win or … We can continue to tell the truth, even if big tech shut us down… only if you help us by, Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. Register for a new identifier as a 144A a Private security. Sign in to your Google Ads manager account. You can then use your bond number to apply for a CUSIP number from Copyright 2006-2021 © A.W.A.R.E | All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, U.C.C 1-308. I’ve found it in another group where the guy posted it a month ago but hasn’t posted anything more since. The UCC Connection to Our Slavery & How to Access Our Strawman Account; How the Cabal Maintains Their Power & How to Defeat Them; The Corporation: History & Revolution; JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick; Khazarian Mafia History. About sign-in issues . After two years of paying thousands of dollars to be who just talked in circles, I went to the one person who could help me with instruments and trading! Learn how to manage your account and get started on PlayStation Network. I don’t mind paying for information (the worker is worthy of his/her hire). Allow you to gain full access to your device and enjoy all its features after reset. Your Account Recovery Information is Incorrect or Has Changed Email providers take your account's security very seriously and will only let you reclaim an account if you can prove that you're the rightful owner. Basically, you take ownership of your Birth Certificate using UCC-1, and then use that as authority to create a discharge Bond. The platform will only recognize this amount. Space 2.11, D72 Building 72 Dominion Road, Auckland You have to set your Treasury account up to get your own routing number set up by the FR bank. Once the transfer bank receives funds they will immediately issue a MT760 to block this account. To list your account access keys with Azure CLI, call the az storage account keys list command, as shown in the following example. These claims are false. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thrivetime Show — Lin Wood, Fireside Chat 9: Is Joe Biden Really the President of the U.S. So, all we really have is a promise to pay. The “UCC Account” is a reference to the creation in the process as a whole and is a topical term not the account itself… Hi ; ) This is about how to access your Master strawman account. Your email address will not be published. Suggestions cannot be applied while the pull request is closed. What Trust firms do you suggest? And by extension, how can we get access to our own representation of value (money) without having to enter into loan agreements that are clearly fraudulent? 11. I am still researching this but apparently they have converted the Strawman account into something called “Treasury Direct Accounts”. File UCC in state of birth and in one of the three redemptions States. I have searched for answers for so long : ( Activation links your PlayStation system to your account and allows you to access … The idea that United States citizens can gain access to secret funds because of a government-created “strawman” is a persistent myth — and one was debunked long ago as a … 4. DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. This is about how to access your. This is actually an echeck or an ACH routing payment that you are adding to your account. It is possible to using this method to re-declare yourself the executor of your … How do u know if u filed the ucc1 correct? DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E does NOT offer any help or assistance in terms of accessing your account. (Download the PDF), Study: Long Term Mask Use Breeds Microbes That Infiltrate the Lungs and Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer. The UCC is used as commerce by corporations. My straw man is: KENNEDY, THOMAS JOSEPH. 2) If the banks can post money from our strawman account, which is based on our value as a Being, why do we the people not have free and open access to these funds? Click the tools icon in the upper right corner of your account. I have downloaded the eligibility questionnaire from the DTCC website. This is how to access your Master straw man account. Therefore make sure the Birth certificate bond number is listed as collateral in your accounting statement. To my surprise, he knew about this and he leads me to the DTC and CUSIP process. Access Your Master Straw Man Account – AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! Open up Commercial Account and TDA account. If you use their property Name properly and not claim it or anything registered in that Name then … We are not lawyers or attorneys and do not give any legal advise. When you set up the DTC you will need a bank involved. By the STRAWMAN fiction that my name was turned into as part of the CORPORATION in order for account to operate and be used in commerce. When you lose they take your body and put it in jail while their bond created cures or they take your property to pay your loss in court for YOUR claim you made! It is done using “Treasury Direct Account Authorization” under OMB # 1535-0138 and “Durable Power of Attorney … Form 1 – Daily Statement of Account and Monthly Statement of Service Charges Delivery Options Form 4B – Delivery Profile for Intra-Day Premium Services Form 6 – Affiliate Access for Account Management … Once you receive confirmation (green card) from Treasury bond is activated. Redeem Birth Cert. Since I knew a little about banking and instruments and the basis of claiming the Birth cart was to remove it from the company who was trading it so you could I realized some of these processes had to be some somewhat true. I had to go back and file an amendment listing the collateral to make the UCC a true trust and then notified the Treasury. We thank everyone who has supported us. Joe Biden Now Admits He ‘Cannot Change the Trajectory of the Pandemic’ After Claiming he ‘Had a Plan to Get Covid Under Control’ (VIDEO), Antifa Activist Daniel Alan Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters — Tells Supporters on Youtube He Received Soros Money, Just Like the Good Old Days: Joe Biden Invades Syria with Convoy of US Troops and Choppers on First Full Day as President. SPC Filing Instructions Package - $149.99, Standard Delivery EIN: Individual Bankers EIN - $139.99, Why Destroying Or ‘Wiping Out’ Your Strawman Does More Harm Than Good. I have looked into how to set up a commercial account by the internet and from what I researched, one must create a corporation. The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. 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