Characters. So, you think General Grievous is the coolest character in swgoh.The big question is if he is worth farming. Didn’t have any issue farming him when they first made him available there. This calculator is an estimate on how many shards you need to farm per day and how many shipments you should purchase. We also talk about my next trip to … Half a year I guess. Footage Room: Damage Mod Farming/Sorting Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. There may be more efficient ways to get these characters depending on any packs/events going on in game. Fleet Arena … Salve galera.... Quando desbloquearem o primeiro herói 7 estrelas, abre a opção na tela principal LOJA DE FRAGMENTOS. I sadly did it via shardshop using the green currency from clearing table everyday to buy surplus shards It took along time just to unlock him pretty much a year. Unit Crew Buff Debuff Other Status Locations Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter. And that’s not really what you want. AhnaldT101 98,834 views. Top … Right now, there is zero point to farming IG-86 Sentinel Droid, given how high it is on the SWGOH hierarchy of suck. Protection Up. From SWGoH Help Wiki. 77% Upvoted. One area where things may differ from the norm with General Grievous is the arrow mod where a Health … Protection Up. report. ( Log Out /  If you clear out the war completely, all 12 fights, you will earn a daily maximum of 1200 war tokens that in turn can buy you 15 shards per day from the galactic war shop. It's back, it's the toughest event in the whole game and is likely the toughest you'll ever face. That’s what I did. Cantina Battles: 5-G 12 (2x) … They truly enjoy them. It might have some use as a sacrificial lamb on a General Grievous nuke team, but that’s about it. Empire, Rebel, BH, JKR, DR then padme as an example progression if you haven't already. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Nute Gunray is a good substitute to access the event early and can be used in Credit Heist; Jango Fett is good to farm because he shares the same node with Hound's Tooth and can also be used to get Chewbacca. This tool will allow you to make a list of farming priorities for personal use, or to share with your guild. Is Droideka not good to get? It might have some use as a sacrificial lamb on a General Grievous nuke team, but that’s about it. Although he hates being called a droid, he counts as one in combat. Command. Ahsoka Tano. General Skywalker Readiness Darth Malak Readiness Shard Calculator Gear Tracker Alexa Skill Google Action. Dream F2P Scoundrel Team star wars galaxy of heroes swgoh . Jump to:navigation, search. AhnaldT101 Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty Black Mamba Bulldog1205 Clash DoE ColdLogic Gaming CubsFan Han Dark Omega DBofficial125 Dylarr's Twi'Lek Tactics Endall Beall Going Nerdy Gridan WWL Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy … If you do this you better be patient! Just remember to save 1350 fleet currency a day to guarantee that you can pick him up 3x a day if he appears after each refresh. 50k Credits. We test drive General Grievous that lunger darkside droid attacker separatist. This isn’t the droid you’re looking for, move along. I slow farmed that jerk over the course of two years, despite knowing he was useless, but for a new player wanting Padme (or an older player that just never bothered to get GG because he sucked) that would be one hell of a daunting grind to look forward to. I … General Skywalker Readiness Darth Malak Readiness Shard Calculator Gear Tracker Alexa Skill Google Action SWGoH Legendary Character Farming Roadmap Below is a farming roadmap that can be used to see all of the Legendary/Journey/Epic characters, what … Also, these shards that you really want might not be available at all times in the shard shop. I know it will take forever but so does everything else in this game. It is highly likely Grievous' new second special ability was based on his kit in EA's Star Wars: Battlefront II. When they re-released him I dropped crystals for him....I still don't you use him but have hope, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. Ships. I've been planning to farm him from Fleet store ever since the Padme event ended and it's now been ~2 weeks and he hasn't popped up once. -7* 17,700 Ahsoka Tano-7* 17,700 C-3PO-7* 17,700 General Kenobi-7* 17,700 Padme Amidala-7* 17,700 Shaak Ti. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes In-Depth Charer Review: General Grievous. There isn’t a fun fact for this character, because it’s boring. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 15:10 . 1 year ago. Einen Tag, nachdem AhnaldT101 die General Grievous-Überarbeitung (Text der Fähigkeiten unten) enthüllt hat, freuen wir uns, die IG-100 MagnaGuard-Überarbeitung und das neue Kit des Droideka vorstellen zu können. 3 TIE Silencer. Took me 5 months of diverting every single resource I accumulated into the shard shop (literally everything, no character farming, pretty much nothing else) to get general grievous as he was in shard store only at that time. Farm shards for characters that you already have at 7 stars and then use the shard shop. Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ? By the way, is it possible to farm GG? And if so, how much does it take to get him? The Malevolence itself is crewed by the terrifying General Grievous, one of the primary leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Separatists. Any F2Ps farming General Grievous? 7 1 a he intersection of 2 familiar with. 77% … report. Grievous, until February 20th was a terrible character. Unit Ship Buff Debuff Other Status Locations ARC Trooper. Sveiki atvykę į „General Grievous“ modifikacijų vadovą, naujausią mūsų serijos straipsnį apie populiarųjį „Žvaigždžių karų herojų galaktikos“ žaidimą, kuriame apžvelgiame geriausius kiekvieno SWGoH personažo modifikacijas. Win 12 Light Side Battles. Cookies help us deliver our Services. At the time of writing the only way to get GG shards is in the shard shop. 210 views 1 day ago. The only fast/non-RNG way to farm him is in the shard shop. Footage Room: Damage Mod Farming/Sorting. Benvingut a la guia de modificacions de General Grievous, l’últim article de la nostra sèrie sobre el popular joc Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, on fem una ullada a les millors modificacions per a cada personatge SWGoH. GAC S eason 11 - 5v5 Season 14 - 3v3; Season 13 - 5v5; Season 12 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen Seen 210 Win % 100% Avg 63 Seen 331 Win % 100% Avg 63 Seen 1620 Win % 99.9% Avg 53 Seen 1031 Win % 99.8% Avg 52 Seen 1175 … Nors mes nepretenduojame į visus šio žaidimo atsakymus, „“ darbuotojai atlieka tyrimus ir naudojo kiekvieną… aerendhil. SWGoH Panic Farm Calculator BETA. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes a free to play mobile game. Geonosian Tank who punishes attackers with a variety of negative effects. war von Anfang an ein fester Bestandteil der Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes-Community. Some characters can be acquired from multiple locations within the game, this page contains a list of all locations and shows the best places to farm. 10:02. March 21, 2016 11:06AM. Press J to jump to the feed. Swgoh sales Swgoh sales. Is he still available there or only from the Shard store? In essence you’re trading in ten shards of a character that you already have at seven stars to get one shard that you really want. One of those shards will give you 15 shard currency, and it takes 300 shard currency to buy two shards. General Grievous. Train 3 Light Side characters to level 71. My General Grievous is locked and sitting around 40/80. The exchange is so bad I can't get myself to do it, but it's designed that way for sure. Command. Fleet Arena Store 400 (4x) Galactic … 2.1 Free; 2.2 Paid Refresh; 3 Notes; Inventory. Unit Ship Buff Debuff Other Status Locations ARC Trooper. – Once upon a time in SWGoH, QGJ was orignally the first go-to character for all players to attain through the Cantina Store. Light Training. Simple. B2 should be your third option. ( Log Out /  10:46. SWGOH.GG; Characters; Sun Fac; Sun Fac. On the other hand GG shards are always available in the shard shop. By the way, is it possible to farm GG? Sadly this. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. See you in a year GG/Padme! Powiwoma. Jump to: navigation, search. Retribution. Then look below your name for a 9 digit number. Tough, but fair? A long time. For farming ideas check out best ship farming locations. And if so, how bloody long will it take to finish this farm!? Schwere Wunden (Abklingzeit 3): Füge allen Feinden 3 Runden lang heilende Immunität zu. Nute first to access Credit Heist faster, then Asajj. Oh wait there is more! Any F2P people had this debate and decided to go for it? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. That is enough to buy you one GG shard in the shard shop. 1 General Grievous. Light Side • Attacker Galactic Republic • Clone Trooper • 501st. Mon Mothma Smashes Grievous!!! I would still buy him in shard shop and limit your gear purchases to only stun guns. Power 29428; Speed 129; Health 44,152; Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players ADVERTISEMENT Alignment / Role / Affiliations Dark Side Geonosian Separatist Tank. Candidates I've heard are Nute Gunray, Sun Fac, General Grievous, B2, Dooku, and Destroyer Droid. He’s very rare, just have to save Fleet currency and watch that store like a hawk. General Grievous modding. 12:06. | SWGoH - Duration: 15:10. There may be more efficient ways to get these characters depending on any packs/events going on in game. Solution: a leadership ability that cuts down the critical hit chance. Started about a year ago and finished a couple months ago. To get GG to seven stars you need to clear out the galactic war every day for the better part of 11 months and spend all the war tokens you get on GG shards! This monstrous capital ship possesses a mighty Ion Cannon that devastates enemy capital ships and lays waste to entire Galactic Republic fleets. Currently 66/85 and it’s looking hopeless without spending crystals. Grievous is one of those toons that is bottlenecked behind a timewall. Gear 11.5 pieces (Mk4 Bacta Gel, Mk6 Droid Caller, and Mk9 Biotech) and Mk5 Stun Guns: 13.5 pts. CG didn't intend him to be an early game character nor Padme as a result. Left him at 325 some months ago and let GW RNG take care of the 5 shards left. Mit Relic Amplifiers im Spiel,… 3PO Synergy + Potential DR Counter | Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes . For farming ideas check out best ship farming locations. I’ve got a few good crit damage set health primaries with good speed and wondered if this would work well? Offense Up. Gl swgoh Gl swgoh. From SWGoH Help Wiki. Been wanting to farm for Droids, but really hard to figure which is good and which is not, … SWGOH General Grievous Counters Based on 19,932 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Unit Crew Buff Debuff Other Status Locations Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter. This means that you could’ve had 15* other characters at seven stars from your galactic war efforts…, (*At the time of writing there are only 12 different characters to spend war tokens on in the galactic war store. For farming ideas check out best character farming locations. Geschwindigkeit muss auch ein Hauptaugenmerk sein, damit Grievous alle möglichen sekundären Geschwindigkeitssteigerungen sammelt, die Sie können. 1 Inventory; 2 Refreshes. Jump to:navigation, search. Ships. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. For about 2 years, AhnaldT101 was petitioning to rework Grievous. save. Grand Arena 5v5 Is BACK! You're halfway there, I'd get some other quality squads up that are more achievable. 3PO Synergy + Potential DR Counter | Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes 2; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. General Grievous: If you think outside the box a bit, the biggest issue with most droid teams is that they can't take a lot of hits. I just kept some free fleet tokens all the time and buy toon shards whenever I see one. Treffer nach dem ersten können keine Grievous Bonus Turn Meter gewähren. The secret is the hollowed out area in. Regarding Grievous - I have 131 shards so far and am only willing to spend fleet arena currency on him, not shard store currency. 15 Crystals. And if so, how much does it take to get him? Ein Bereich, in dem die Dinge von der Norm bei General Grievous … MAIN QUEST. Watch Queue Queue. SWGoH Panic Farm Calculator BETA. And if so, how bloody long will it take to finish this farm! 2.1 Free; 2.2 Paid Refresh; 3 … hide. I figured Nute and Dooku were reworked to give newer players more options for getting Padme, and I hope that's the case. Swgoh nightsister zombie. hide. ), A free-to-play fan of swgoh 19 comments. Mon Mothma Smashes Grievous!!! share. Unheimliches Lachen (Abklingzeit 3): Zerstöre alle Buffs … Have to decide what’s more important. SWGOH General Grievous Counters Based on 23,176 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Nute Gunray is a good substitute to access the event early and can be used in Credit Heist; Jango Fett is good to farm because he shares the same node with Hound's Tooth and can also be used to get Chewbacca. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. For farming ideas check out best character farming locations. It may seem counter-intuitive, but once you've faced Grievous in the tank raid, it all makes sense. Airsoft GI - Airsoft and Tactical Gear …. 06:08:18. For-fucking-ever... Just brutal (I'm in the same spot as you are, more or less). Contents. General Grivous shards cost 225 SSC (Shard Shop Currency) each, To bring GG to 7* would take 74250 SSC you can trade for SSC at the rate of 25 SSC per character shard. ? Wat Tambor Perfects Grievous Lead? Farming General Grievous : a few numbers. Fleet Arena Store; Currency Fleet Token Obtained From Fleet Arena : Exclusives Darth Vader Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) Chirrut Imwe: The Fleet Arena Store uses Fleet Arena Tokens to purchase Ability Materials, Character Shards, and Ship Blueprints. Edit: Man, these responses are depressing. Only other option is to farm him in shard shop. I got 5 - 10 shards a week. To get shards for GG you have to pay more. I'm holding my shard shop currency in case I can't get him to 7* strictly from Fleet Arena Store by the next time Padme rolls around. Unfortunately my gg and separatist droids are quite ready and I’m missing the mega health g12 pieces for gg otherwise I’d test it. Early Game. My General Grievous is locked and sitting around 40/80. Now I need to find the time to actually gear him. Took forever. In the shard shop you can convert character shards to shard currency, but only shards for characters that have already reached the maximum of seven stars can be used. Beating Tier IV the F2P way AND Gearing Her to Gear 11 !!! Bringing a character to 7* costs 330 shards. 75. For farming ideas check out best character farming locations. 19 comments. Fleet Arena Store; Currency Fleet Token Obtained From Fleet Arena : Exclusives Darth Vader Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) Chirrut Imwe: The Fleet Arena Store uses Fleet Arena Tokens to purchase Ability Materials, Character Shards, and Ship Blueprints. ( Log Out /  00:11:14. 00:42:31. Light Side Battles. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. All farms from Cantina Store are longer … Simple yes, but not effortless…. Beating Tier IV the F2P way AND Gearing Her to Gear 11 !!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. GAC S eason 14 - 3v3 Season 14 - 3v3; Season 13 - 5v5; Season 12 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen Seen 147 Win % 95.2% Avg 52 Seen 991 Win % 94.8% Avg 50 Seen 169 Win % 94.7% Avg 53 Seen 333 Win % 94.6% Avg 50 Seen 222 … While QGJ is pivotal in running a full Jedi squad, has a fanastic zeta lead, and is excellent for soloing Heroic Pit Raid, his early use has become more limited in favor of characters that can provide more. 11 comments. What you really want is to have a bad ass GG at seven stars, and for that you need to convert 4950 no good shards so that you can buy 330 GG shards. Die SWGoH GameChangers sind zurück mit einem weiteren Kit, das enthüllt, was in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes kommen wird. So, to activate GG using the shard shop you need to convert 1200 no good shards to shard currency so that you can buy 80 GG shards. After farming General Grievous for 6 months, I have finally got him to 7 stars!! Tatsächlich beruhen alle drei Angriffe von General Grievous auf Potenz, damit die Debuffs haften bleiben. PROTOCOL QUEST. To find your ally code, open the game to the main screen and tap on your name in the upper left corner. Thanks! Retribution. Item Qty … Any F2Ps farming General Grievous? 67% … Kukurov. Spend 800 Guild Event Tokens. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. I never cared about him as he was not in my farming plan. share. SWGOH General Grievous Counters Based on 35,793 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Offense Up. Maybe I should install a Dejarik game in the Cantina. It's pretty vague and I would like a clearer answer. I've been planning to farm him from Fleet store ever since the Padme event ended and it's now been ~2 weeks and he hasn't popped up once. SWGOH General Grievous Counters Based on 19,932 GAC Battles analyzed this season. 7 STAR KI-ADI-MUNDI UNLOCKED (FINALLY!) More Tools > Farming Priority List Maker. Light Side. Streben Sie also eine Potenz von 80% oder mehr an (idealerweise 100% +). 75. 98278 views 3 days ago. share. I’m wondering if the Dooku and Nute reworks will beat tier 7 and save me from buying GG shards in 2.5 months time. save. 3v3 | Mon Mothma with Cassian & K2SO counters General Grievous | #SWGOH | #Count ... Dylarr's Twi'Lek Tactics. For farming ideas check out best ship farming locations. Light Side • Attacker Jedi • Galactic Republic. Characters. For farming ideas check out best ship farming locations. Is there a consensus on the most optimal mods for gg? The recommendations on this page are based only off of the other available locations that character can be acquired from and does not take into consideration other items available from hard missions, other characters … So you need to sell 2970 character shard in order to get a 7* GG. Difi. The Playbook . I've been planning to farm him from Fleet store ever since the Padme event ended and it's now been ~2 weeks and he hasn't popped up once. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Early Game. Change ). At the time of writing the only way to get GG shards is in the shard shop.The shard shop is unlocked when you get one character all the way to seven stars. He’s expensive there though, and you miss out on gear. report. 1 Inventory; 2 Refreshes. Any F2P people had this debate and decided to go for it? Nute first to access Credit Heist faster, then Asajj. My General Grievous is locked and sitting around 40/80. Von unseren Mod Guides und aktuellen Nachrichten als EA GameChanger bis hin zu unserem Sith Raid Guide und mehr möchte unsere Website dazu beitragen, die Spieler über dieses hochkomplexe Handyspiel aufzuklären. Light Side • Attacker Jedi • Galactic Republic. Took me almost a year lol he is not even worth it though. And be sure you really like the general! He has made over 50 videos solely about Grievous. These are probably the gear items you will find yourself farming the most often off of LSDS nodes, as they are some of the biggest bottlenecks in the game. To unlock GG at four stars you need to clear out galactic war 80 times and spend all war tokens on GG shards. This isn’t the droid you’re looking for, move along. Contents. Phew! To illustrate what kind of effort you’re looking at let’s take galactic war as a sample. save. But, how to farm GG? From SWGoH Help Wiki. This calculator is an estimate on how many shards you need to farm per day and how many shipments you should purchase. AhnaldT101 Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty Black Mamba Bulldog1205 … He's the Logray of the fleet store and is rarely there but he does still show there. GAC S eason 14 - 3v3 Season 14 - 3v3; Season 13 - 5v5; Season 12 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen Seen 596 Win % 100% Avg 52 Seen 195 Win % 100% Avg 63 Seen 272 Win % 100% Avg 48 Seen 342 Win % 100% Avg 50 Seen 133 Win … Is he still available there or only from the Shard store? Jump to: navigation, search. By then you would have GG at four stars. I've got Lumi, Biggs, and Magmatrooper all maxed out and don't really have any use or desire for the rest of the toons in GW shipments, so I'm mildly debating farming GG. I know it will take forever but so does everything else in this game. Fubadaroj. Is he still available there or only from the Shard store? Aggressive Attacker that grows increasingly stronger as the Droids around him fall. 503 posts Member. I gotten 25 shards from Fleet Arena store in the past week, no refreshes done. This video is unavailable. There isn’t a fun fact for this character, because it’s boring. - … Ahsoka Tano. This is what I was thinking. Jump to:navigation, search. For farming ideas check out best character farming locations. Guild Events Store. + TESTING LIVE - 3v3 Grand Arena Like Yo ... AhnaldT101. General Grievous is needed for the Capital Ship Malevolence. star wars galaxy of heroes swgoh. star wars galaxy of heroes swgoh. I've gotten Logray and Dengar up to 7* (and finished Yolo since) while getting GG only to 6*. One GG shard will cost you 225 shard currency, that is trading in 15 character shards for one GG shard! 20:07. View all posts by fulcrum. hide. General Grievous Dunkle Seite, Flottenkommandant, Droide, Angreifer Wütender Angriff (Grund): Füge dem Zielfeind viermal körperlichen Schaden zu. 624 views 1 day ago. We demo him in the AAT raid as well as arena. In fact, all three of General Grievous’ attacks rely on Potency to make the debuffs stick, so aim for 80% or higher Potency (ideally 100%+). Mk4 Chedak, Mk 6 Detonator, Mk 7 Shield Generator: 12 pts. General Grievous is needed for the Capital Ship Malevolence. From SWGoH Help Wiki. Cantina Battles: 5-G 12 (2x) Aayla Secura. If you spend those war tokens on characters you already have at seven stars you can convert those shards to 225 shard currency. Speed also needs to be a major focus to make Grievous relevant go gather all of the secondary stat Speed boosts you can. The Rebels Have No Chance Against The Empire's Best Secret! So, you think General Grievous (GG) is the coolest character in swgoh. From SWGoH Help Wiki. The big question is if he is worth farming. It seems like you still have a ways to go in Light Side Battles. Sun Fac ; Sun Fac in EA 's star Wars: Battlefront II more efficient ways to get him the. Using our Services or clicking I agree, you think General Grievous Based! 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