[4], The field is operated by Equinor, which has a 30.58% interest. It is the tallest construction that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. It is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. There, the power is turned back into AC by a compact lightweight converter station and fed to the two ABB motors that drive the compressors. The Troll gas platform - The largest object ever move by man. Der Motor des Kompressors mit einer Leistung von 40 MW wird mit 56 kV direkt aus dem Ausgang des Stromrichters gespeist. It’s construction is regarded as one of the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. Zehn Schlepper mit insgesamt 130.000 PS benötigten zehn Tage, um die Bohrinsel mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 1,7 Knoten zum 170 Seemeilen entfernten Troll-Gasfeld zu schleppen. Troll A Platform is a concrete gravity base structure and oil or gas platform that was built from 1991 until 1995. Dabei seien ein Mensch getötet und zwei weitere verletzt worden, teilte der Konzern … The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. 45:15. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. Das Konzert wurde als tiefstes Konzert, das jemals stattfand, ins Guinness-Buch der Rekorde eingetragen. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. This way of bringing power to the compressors was better than installing gas turbines on the platform – the … Troll A platform alongside the Polycastle accommodation flotel. It is the tallest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. Aired on the Discovery Channel in 1997. Troll is a natural gas and oil field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, one of the biggest in the North Sea, holding 40% of Norway’s gas[1] – it also possesses significant quantities of oil, in thin zones under the gas cap, to the west of the field. It is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another position. A new 1,200t processing module will be installed on the Troll A platform under the Troll field phase three development in … This platform came into production in 1996. 1992 begann die norwegische Firma Aker Kværner mit dem Bau der Bohrinsel der Condeep-Konstruktion. Sie dient der Förderung von Erdgas aus dem Troll-Gasfeld in der norwegischen Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der Nordsee. Die Bauarbeiten zu diesem Tunnel wurden bereits zu Beginn der Bauarbeiten an der Troll A begonnen und erwiesen sich als äußerst schwierig. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. Platforms. Als die Troll A ihre Arbeit aufnahm, wurden zunächst 40 Bohrgestänge in eine Tiefe von 1200 Meter in das Troll-Gasfeld getrieben. Der Aufschlag auf den Meeresboden konnte als ein Erdbeben der Stärke 3 registriert werden. OIL and gas rig in action must watch rig tutorial . 7:07. The Troll Field •World class gas field - 1470 billion cubic meters recoverable gas - 40 % of Norwegian gas reserves - 30 % of Norrwegian gas exports •Cornerstone in Norways gas supply to EU - 30 billion cubic metes annual production - 7-8 % of EU gas consumption - 120+ million cubic metes/day capacity •A zero emmision platform Damit ist sie nicht nur die höchste Bohrinsel aus Beton, sondern auch die … Operated by Statoil, the platform was towed over 200 km, from the village of Vats to the North Sea in 1996, where the event was … Am 3. Maritime Megastructure - Super Rigs (EVA-4000 & Spar Platform) Gtech. Faisal Butt. The Troll gas platform - The largest object ever move by man. Troll A is a gas production platform and the pinnacle of the Norwegian condeep concept: moveable deepwater concrete structures. At 1.2 million ton ballasted under tow, 472 meters high, with underwater concrete structure at 369 meters, and dry weight of 656,000 tons, the Troll A platform is a majestic piece of design and construction. Norsk Hydro has a fairly relaxed approach to the Troll C development following the approval of the project by Norway's parliament (Storting) this past June. Sie ist eine Condeep-Konstruktion (Concrete Deep Water Structure - Beton-Tiefseestruktur) und die größte Bohrinsel der Welt.Ihre Gesamthöhe beträgt 472 Meter; die Betonstruktur unter Wasser misst 369 Meter. It is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. The Troll A platform is an offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. Sie fördert seit 21 Jahren Erdgas aus dem Troll-Gasfeld in der norwegischen Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der Nordsee. Mit diesem Transport gilt die Plattform als das größte und schwerste je von Menschenhand bewegte Bauwerk. It is the tallest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. Im Spätsommer 1995 wurde mit dem Verlegen der Pipelines am Meeresgrund begonnen, so dass bereits im Mai 1996 die Gasförderung aufgenommen werden konnte. If only Norway could have arranged for the platforms for Conoco's Heidrun, Shell's Troll Gas and Norsk Hydro's Troll Oil all to have sailed away on the same day, what a majestic procession that would have been. The Troll A natural gas platform, operated by Equinor ASA, stands in the North Sea, Norway, on Wednesday, May 16, 2018. It is located in the Norwegian Troll gas field in the North Sea.With a total height of 472 meters, and a subsea structure of concrete measuring 369 meters, it is the highest concrete platform ever constructed for the oil and gas sector. This platform came into production in 1996. At 1.2 million ton ballasted under tow, 472 meters high, with underwater concrete structure at 369 meters, and dry weight of 656,000 tons, the Troll A platform is a majestic piece of design and construction. The Troll platform was towed over 200 kilometers from Vats, in the northern part of Rogaland, to the Troll field, 80 kilometers north-west of Bergen. 51:06. [3] Most of the gas lies in Troll East. It is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another position. Troll Gas comprises the Troll A platform, the Kollsnes gas processing plant west of Bergen and the pipelines between the platform and the land plant. It is the tallest construction that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. Als Stromrichterventile kommen IGBTs zum Einsatz. (3.69%). Nach dem Transport wurde die Troll A auf den Meeresboden abgesenkt. It is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. Troll A is a gas production platform and the pinnacle of the Norwegian condeep concept: moveable deepwater concrete structures. 50:36. Das Troll-Gasfeld wird von der norwegischen Ölgesellschaft Equinor (ehemals Statoil) betrieben. Troll is a natural gas and oil field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, one of the biggest in the North Sea, holding 40% of Norway’s gas – it also possesses significant quantities of oil, in thin zones under the gas cap, to the west of the field. Es wurde unter Leitung des Shell-Konzerns erschlossen. Troll A natural gas platform- Placed in the North Sea 1995. The Troll A platform was built using 100,000t of steel and 245,000m³ of concrete. November 2020 um 22:02 Uhr bearbeitet. Die Planungen dauerten bis 1990, der Bau der Bohrinsel und die Erschließung des Gasfeldes erfolgten 1992 bis 1995. Gas and oil from the field is extracted via three platforms – Troll A, B and C. The Troll A platform, based on the Condeep technology, is the tallest structure ever to be moved. North sea Mega Rigs - Inside offshore platform ( oil platform) Gtech. The depth is 303 metres (994 ft). Von hier wird das geförderte Erdgas per Rohrleitung (Pipeline) in verschiedene Länder Europas exportiert. Gas and oil from the field is extracted via three platforms – Troll A, B and C. The principal focus of gas production is Troll A, in Troll East (block 31/6). It is the tallest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. Platforms. Endgültig befindet sich die Arbeitsplattform etwa 30 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Total weight is 656,000 tons, the total height is 472 metres (1,549 ft).The depth is 303 metres (994 ft). As we look through the last 50 years of engineering in celebration of Fircroft’s half-century of oil & gas recruitment, we would be remiss if we didn’t look at this iconic feat of engineering. Gtech. [2] Located in the eastern margin of the Viking Graben, water depths range from 300–355 m.[2], Troll in the Interactive Energy Map of Aftenbladet, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Troll_gas_field&oldid=979861807, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 September 2020, at 06:20. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. 2:51. November 2017 The partners in the Fram licence have decided to invest in a new project to increase production from the Fram field in the North Sea. The 472m-high Troll A platform is currently the highest man-made structure to be installed in water. The Troll A platform has an … 2:51. The platform was a televised sensation when it was towed into … Die Gasrohrleitung wird durch einen diagonalen Tunnel vom 250 Meter tiefen Meeresboden bis zur Aufbereitungsstation an der Küste durch das norwegische Küstengebirge geführt. Oktober 2006 fand im Sockel der Plattform – 303 Meter unter dem Wasserspiegel – ein Konzert der britisch-georgischen Sängerin Katie Melua statt. The field as a whole consists of the main Troll East and Troll West structures in blocks 31/2, 31/3, 31/5 and 31/6,[2] about 65 kilometres (40 mi) west of Kollsnes, near Bergen. Bipolar high-voltage direct current electric power transmission line for the supply of the gas compressor station on the offshore construction work Troll A platform. Der Hauptvorteil dieses Verfahrens besteht jedoch darin, dass die Säulen quasi aus einem Stück gegossen werden konnten. 45:15. The project is located in North Sea, Norway. [5] This platform came into production in 1996. [3], Gas and oil from the field is extracted via three platforms – Troll A, B and C.[3]. Total weight is 656,000 tons, the total height is 472 metres (1,549 ft). The decision is taken in agreement with the partners in the Troll licence. The Troll A platform is an offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. This means that the Fram licence is investing NOK one billion in a new gas module on the Troll C platform… Total weight is 656,000 tons, the total height is 472 metres (1,549 ft).The depth is 303 metres (994 ft). The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. Nach der Montage wurde die gesamte Bohrinsel soweit angehoben, dass diese 230 Meter über den Meeresspiegel ragte und im Mai 1995 zu ihrem Bestimmungsort gezogen werden konnte. Ebenfalls an Land wurde aus verschiedenen Modulen die 22.500 Tonnen schwere Arbeitsplattform zusammengesetzt, so dass im Januar 1995 das „Rendezvous“ aus dem Bohrinsel-Unterteil und der Arbeitsplattform beginnen konnte. Eine Bohrplattform (auch Bohrinsel) als Offshorebauwerk ist eine künstliche Standfläche im Meer, die zum Niederbringen von Bohrungen dient, meistens auf der Suche nach Erdöl oder Erdgas. 1979 wurde dort erstmals Erdgas entdeckt. Troll contains very large amounts of gas resources and is also one of the largest oil producing fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. The Troll A natural gas platform, operated by Statoil ASA, stands in the North Sea, Norway, on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015. The Troll B Platform is a semi-submersible designed by Doris and fabricated from concrete; thought to be the only concrete semisubmersible. Coat … Eine gewaltige Welle traf eine Bohrplattform im Gasfeld "Troll". Dabei kam ein besonderes Verfahren der österreichischen Firma Gleitbau zum Einsatz, das mittels einer Gleitschalung den Bau in einem Zug ermöglichte und damit die Bauzeit kurz halten konnte. Sie dient der Förderung von Erdgas aus dem Troll-Gasfeld in der norwegischen Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der Nordsee. Innerhalb weniger Tage sackte die Bohrinsel aufgrund ihres Eigengewichtes etwa neun Meter in den weichen Meeresboden ein. The platform was ), https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Troll_A&oldid=205927631, Bohr- oder Förderplattform in der Nordsee, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Höhe: 472 m (vom Sockelboden bis zur Spitze des. Hintergrund ist, dass bei derart hochbelasteten und kritischen Strukturen jedwede Verbindungsnaht einen potenziellen Schwachpunkt darstellen würde, weswegen die Anwendung der Gleitschalung hier besonders wichtig war. Gas and oil from the field is extracted via three platforms – Troll A, B and C. The Troll A platform, based on the Condeep technology, is the tallest structure ever to be moved. The Troll A platform was built using 100,000t of steel and 245,000m³ of concrete. Das Gasfeld gilt als größter Erdgasfund in der Nordsee und soll für 50 bis 70 Jahre Erdgas liefern. 51:06. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. 60.6666666666673.6666666666667Koordinaten: 60° 40′ 0″ N, 3° 40′ 0″ O, Infos und Lagekarte auf der Equinor-Homepage (engl. The Troll C Platform is a conventional steel hull semi-submersible designed by GVA Consultants. Photographer: Krister Soerboe/Bloomberg via Getty Images The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. The other partners are Petoro (56%), Royal Dutch Shell (8.1%), ConocoPhillips (1.62%) and Total S.A. About two-thirds of the recoverable gas reserves lie in Troll Øst. 50:36. Bei einem gleichartigen Manöver einer Schwesterplattform der Troll A – der Sleipner A – kam es beim Fluten der Säulen zu einem Unfall. Total weight is 656,000 tons, the total height is 472 metres (1,549 ft). Troll A ist eine bewegliche Gasförderplattform im norwegischen Troll-Gasfeld in der Nordsee. Die Kompressoren von Troll A werden über ein 70 km langes HGÜ-Seekabel von Kollsnes her versorgt. Statoil – New Troll C Platform agreements. Zwei Drittel der … It consists of dual set of a 68 km long bipolar submarine cable designed for ±60 kV between the inverter at the Troll A platform and the static rectifier station at Kollsnes in Norway. Gas and oil from the field is extracted via three platforms – Troll A, B and C. The Troll A platform, based on the Condeep technology, is the tallest structure ever to be moved. Gtech. This platform came into production in 1999. The platform was a televised sensation when it was towed into the North … The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. Die Troll A ist die größte Gasförderplattform der Nordsee und gleichzeitig die größte Bohrinsel der Welt. Norway is on track for record gas production this year after Statoil ASA put an end to technical issues that limited Troll's capacity. A new 1,200t processing module will be installed on the Troll A platform under the Troll field phase three development in order to receive and process the produced gas. Super Rigs (EVA-4000 & Spar Platform) Eldora Markham. Gasförderung im Troll-Gasfeld Die Troll A ist die größte Gasförderplattform der Nordsee und gleichzeitig die größte Bohrinsel der Welt. Once the largest oil platform in the world, Troll A is a true colossus of the North Sea, where it has stood above the waves since 1996. Von Editor / 6. Two HVDC Light power cables, each with a capacity of 40 MW, then transport the power at 60 kV to Troll A, a distance of 70 km. This followed a period of tension and doubt over environmental issues, specifically involving carbon dioxide emissions from the exhausts of the platform's gas-driven turbines. Maritime Megastructure - Super Rigs (EVA-4000 & Spar Platform) Gtech. Diese ist nicht verankert, sondern sie wird mit computergesteuerten Motoren auf ihrer exakten Position gehalten. Super Rigs (EVA-4000 & Spar Platform) Eldora Markham. The platform was a televised sensation when it was towed into … Troll A is an offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. Norske Shell was responsible for the first gas development phase on Troll, which received a green light from the Norwegian parliament (Storting) in December 1986. With an overall height of 472m it is the tallest structure ever moved by mankind, and is the only one of its type on the NCS that is powered electrically from land. Indeed, it would have been something unique in the industry's history. Initial production from the platform commenced in 1996. Dazu wurden die Ballasttanks im Sockel sowie die gesamten Säulen geflutet und im Fjord abgesenkt, so dass die vier Säulen nur noch 6,5 Meter über den Wasserspiegel ragten. North sea Mega Rigs - Inside offshore platform ( oil platform) Gtech. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. Troll B platform. It is located in the Norwegian Troll gas field in the North Sea. The Troll A platform, based on the Condeep technology, is the tallest structure ever to be moved. The platform was a televised sensation when it was towed into … The field has two main structures: Troll Øst and Troll Vest. I own no rights to this. It stands in 300m of water, weighs approximately 656,000t and is built on a substructure measuring 343m-high. Dann konnte die auf Pontons schwimmende Arbeitsplattform von Schleppern über die Säulen gezogen werden. Ein Gigant inmitten der Nordsee ist "Troll A", eine der größten Erdgas-Förderplattformen der Welt. Das Troll-Gasfeld liegt rund 100 km vor der norwegischen Küste, westlich von Bergen. Der amerikanische Fernsehsender Discovery Channel hat einen Dokumentarfilm über den Bau, den Transport und die Inbetriebnahme unter dem Titel „Gasgigant in der Nordsee – Die Sea Troll“ produziert. It is the tallest construction that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. The depth is 303 metres (994 ft). 1993 wurde zunächst ein 36 Meter hoher Grunddom im Trockendock von Stavanger gebaut, auf dem dann ab Sommer 1994 im norwegischen Vats Fjord die vier je 343 Meter hohen Betonsäulen gebaut wurden. The Troll A platform is a condeep offshore natural gas platform in the Troll gas field off the west coast of Norway. Initial production from the platform commenced in 1996. Im Mai 2007 erschien die DVD-Dokumentation Concert Under The Sea, in der über die Vorbereitungen und das Konzert berichtet wird. Die Troll A ist die größte Gasförderplattform der Nordsee und gleichzeitig die größte Bohrinsel der Welt. Located about 80 km off the west coast of Norway is Troll A, a colossal natural gas platform and the tallest structure ever moved by mankind. Auf Grund der Druckverhältnisse implodierten die Säulen und sanken auf den Meeresboden. This platform came into production in 1995. The reservoir is located in three eastward-tilted fault blocks 1500 m subsea and consists of cyclic shallow-marine sandstones from the Fensfjord, middle Heather, Sognefjord and upper Heather formations in the Jurassic Viking Group, and are overlain by Upper Jurassic to Paleocene clays. This platform came into production in 1996. Unter großen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen spielte sie rund 30 Minuten vor einem nur 40 Personen zählenden Publikum. An ihrem Bestimmungsort wurde eine schwimmende Hotelplattform über eine Gangway mit der Troll A verbunden. It is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another position, relative to the surface of the Earth, and is among the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. Küstengebirge geführt der Sleipner A – kam es beim Fluten der Säulen zu einem Unfall 1992 begann die norwegische Aker. A werden über ein 70 km langes HGÜ-Seekabel von Kollsnes her versorgt, dass die Säulen quasi aus Stück. Je von Menschenhand bewegte Bauwerk werden über ein 70 km langes HGÜ-Seekabel von Kollsnes her.!, is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another.. Der Troll A platform is A gas production this year after Statoil ASA put an end technical! It is the tallest and heaviest structure that has ever been moved to another position der Säulen einem. Aker Kværner mit dem Verlegen der Pipelines am Meeresgrund begonnen, so bereits! 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