Follow the YNAB rules and give it a chance to work as intended. It seems that most people don't read or think about where their statistics come from (as evidenced by the people concerned with AOM), so I want to make sure the ideas are cohesive and not misleading before I submit. The dollars in tracking accounts are not included in your budget. Some investment accounts, such as TFSAs, lack that functionality, but the system works well with your primary chequing/savings accounts, which is where most of your banking activity will flow through. Yes, it's "label" is going to be "MyMove" but I do NOT want to see it in my budget app. eloquentz As I said, I am now thinking of it as an emergency fund. Isn't the budget itself that very report? YNAB's primary mission, as you might expect, is to help you curb overspending and avoid living from paycheck to paycheck. Move Light Sound Life you're right, I should have said actuals plus nominals, with the actuals typically being negative. Tiller Money. Giving up $720/year to simplify down to one account is not the right fit for me. Wouldn't the actual minus the nominal have positives designating spending that went over the nominal budget, and negatives indicating less spending? I kept seeing all my savings account monies in the "to be budgeted." WordTenor Had my Red Bull and got in ahead of you this time. For example - I'm replacing my HVAC. (Though note that jenmas is pointing out that she probably won't have to do that, simply by ensuring that funds build up  in checking ahead of the purchase.) There was a problem submitting your feedback. . You can connect bank accounts, set goals, contribute to savings and customize spending categories. Adding Credit Cards & Debts . :). YNAB is built to allow you to maximize handling real expenses, and that's why it's recommended that you create specific savings categories with specific goals (implied or in the software) that will support your needs. The electric company doesn't care whether their bill is 3% or 30% of my paycheck, but I have to be prepared to pay it. Good question. If you don't need it, why is it sitting in a savings account and not working for you? There are numerous budgeting and expense tracking apps out there, some free and some paid for and you may need to try a few before you find the one that fits your lifestyle and way of … EDIT: as for whether Rent (or Entertainment or Transportation or whatever) is X% of your income, what does that matter? Because I sent it out of the budget portion of down into this tracking account. The major problem I have with a category rather than a transfer to an account is that I can't assign a category to a transfer. And the budget doesn't care! Savings are treated differently since they track available balance rather than spending. Powered by Help Scout. As I see it, ALL categories are savings. As I often mention in my posts, it’s really important to budget and to track your expenses. What you are missing is the clarity that can come with assigning a job to every liquid dollar (ie that's why IRAs and 401(k)s are recommended to be tracking accounts because they aren't liquid and easily accessible). I would probably end up filtering long-term savings categories out of the graph, and just have it show monthly allocations/available for daily spending. Things don't sink in as fast as they used to. I finally realized it was including the savings balance. But I may move money out of it. I FINALLY get the concept. © CNBC Select can help you decide if it's right for you. With both services, you can create budgets, and track your expenses from the credit card and bank accou… YNAB Features When you set up your YNAB account, you’ll be able to sync your accounts for automatic data import. I think the report I've mentioned would help users get to a normalized budget. I have a very different outlook. Afterward, you transfer money from savings to your actual investment account, leaving the YNAB app out of it. You are probably already funding savings categories based on a target balance or a monthly contribution amount. jenmas I found this post after a search. What we are saying is that there is a big benefit to changing the way you are thinking about this. whatever. Get this down to $0 so your budget is viable!" IN the Available graph, the amount of overspending could be it's own little moon, labeled "Money you don't have!!! Move Light Sound Life said, "Working towards a normalized budget will help you feel like you can confidently fund those categories sufficiently.". I know it isn't the recommended method, but by keeping my savings account off-budget, I can easily see what percent of my funds are diverted for savings and drill down to see which savings categories received the most funds. There could be one for available, and one for budgeted this month. The account the money lives in is only determined by where/how you need to access/store money. How will it change your behavior in away that managing your budget does not? What Rule 2 means is to break down your non-immediate expenses, the money you wouldn't necessarily keep in a checking account, and budget the money into categories. If no funds were budgeted or "available" during the reporting period the chart should always show 0 for that category, even if there is money available in that category from savings in previous months. I am happy to report that, over a year later, my "normalized guesses" were actually pretty good averages in most cases. Keep it simple - The easiest way to do this is to create an investment category in your budget and make your contribution. This may be true for other budgeting apps and not specific to YNAB. Empower. The budget chart is pretty straight-forward. I'm new, and this thread has been extremely clarifying. If I could rephrase the goal of the suggested report, it would be to have a report that reflects my saving priorities. Basically, you’ll start with the free 34-day trial to see if YNAB is the right budgeting app for you, and then you’ll pay a small monthly fee after that. Move Light Sound Life Exactly, dakinemaui , it is a graphical representation of the budget screen. I just moved that savings to a tracking account, so that misleading total available (in my case) is now correct, but I wonder why the advice given to someone else was to move the savings to on budget. PayPal accounts are a great example: if you have a PayPal account where you receive, store, and spend funds, choose Checking or Cash. My primary checking is with SoFi, so Alternatively, I might create a new "Vault" and shift funds from one to the other. While we all know that the best practice for saving is to just look at the budget screen, and that savings accounts should be on budget as explained above, the current solution (which we should keep) does set aside the ability to see a graphic representation of the budgetary, saving decisions. Early on, I would find it useful to contrast my expressed priorities with my habits so that I can better align my budget to reflect reality or my habits to align them with my priorities. The way I use YNAB, I'm never "spending" from my savings categories, and if there are no transactions then those funds are totally omitted from the reports. Planet pie could be labeled something logical, and moon pie could be labeled "changes in priority" with a net budgeted shown. And really, it might be nice to have them show up in the inspector (when no categories are selected) so that I could flip through the months and watch it change. Hey, don't get old. This is simply to help you see your total financial picture and calculate your “Net Worth”. WordTenor Then why not just have one account? I'll give it a try and see if it works for me. This will help you keep track of your accounts and money. I think that could be accommodated pretty easily. Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. What I'm looking for incorporates both what you spent (activity) and what you saved (available in savings categories). Now that I've learned the method, I don't think something that represents that information as it is on the budget page is contrary to the method, and could be helpful to see the current state of affairs. However, … I’ve tried different … You will still need to create the transfer transactions in your accounts so the account balances match reality. So I did. YNAB was perfect for fitting all the puzzle pieces together tightly to avoid waste and maximize priorities. This is great if you have more than one savings account or credit card. YNAB, or You Need A Budget, is Canadian budgeting software that comes at a pretty steep fee of either $84 a year or $11 a month. The light finally lit up. Figure out the purpose of the money and all will become clear. By the way, Buffer, Emergency Fund, and other rainy day funds ( as they used to be called ) are all examples of budgeting categories that you would assign dollars to that you didn't really spend out of frequently (hopefully!). Move Light Sound Life dakinemaui Nerds! I understand now why savings are kept on-budget but I have one hang up. With its main focus being budget first, spend later – you'll still need to play around with your budget before you can set-it … If you don't need those benefits, then you are absolutely correct that one only needs one account, because your categories sequester the money for you. And if you budgeted $100 to the Forgotten Stuff category on the 1st, but moved $20 to another category to support the thing that forgotten, would you want $80 or $100 to show in that report? Ivory Stallion Long ago, I suggested a Template goal type to YNAB. All savings is done by putting money in categories in the budget. JoeDid Except that the dollars DO have a purpose. With Rule 1 in the YNAB Method, you'll Give Every Dollar a Job. But I doubt that 100% of the cost will come out of my savings account as I should be able to have most of it already in my checking account by not sending any money from my February paychecks to one of the savings accounts like I usually do. You'll get most of the features you need in budget software, like automatic categories, bank synchronization, and informative graphs. . My version of the implementation would involve being able to classify a category group as "Savings" or "Internal". I've had the money saved up for months but don't plan to do the replacement until March. Ivory Stallion I like the idea of pie charts or bar graphs to visually represent the state of the budget . Your explanation did it. . None of the individual balances on any of my accounts equal any set of categories because the location of my money has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of my money. All I can come up with for a "job" for these funds is UNKNOWN. It might be the right fit for you. And it can be argued thatYNAB shines here because helping you budget is its stated mission and gets greater emphasis. I think I have convinced myself that a Savings/Budgeted report is not good. I'm going to keep my savings as a tracking account. I don't see one in your screenshot, but if you have an Emergency Fund category move money from your other categories to get that $1,000 total. It took me a while to understand why savings should be on budget, but now that I get it, I switched them back on budget. I could be missing something but there should be little "spending" from savings accounts. Bonus: multiple category overspending should be graphed in the chart, and link back to the category to immediately fix the overspend with the move money tool. I have never tied myself in knots over this: it's been easier than what has been described. When I find the forum, the lovely people here asked me why I was trying to stick to something that didn't match reality - just use rule three and move on without guilt. That might be to pay my mortgage in 3 weeks or to pay for a new roof in 13 years. The activity column would not show any savings that were successfully saved because there's no transaction. Tracking Accounts hold money you don't plan to spend soon, such as investments, or loans you're paying down. If I move $100 from the available balance of the rainy day fund to cover overspending elsewhere, then the Allocation chart for the month should continue to show 0, not -100. It seems to defeat the purpose of having a Savings account, which by nature is designed to sequester money from your regular working account. "That needs to happen regardless of whether the transfer has a category assigned or not.". Tracking (Asset or Liability) For example, if you have Euro Checking and Savings accounts, you would only need to create one difference account (Debit). Empower will float you up to $250 when you’re in a jam. Handling credit cards and debts with YNAB is … I'm always saving FOR something. What's important for savings is how much money was budgeted and remains available in the given timeframe. YNAB defaults savings accounts to be "budget" rather than "tracking" accounts. No interest, no late fees, … What circumstances allow you to draw on those funds? I read in a thread somewhere here that YNAB staff advised someone to move his savings account to ON BUDGET, where he had had it as a tracking account. Even denoting it as previously saved money that had a change of priority seems really complex. In my mind, the Savings "account" is designed to be a place where money is stored (not unlike an investment account). They aren't interchangeable though! Cash vs. Credit could be delineated, with blurbs to explain the impact. I agree that having an option to add a pie chart to the inspector would be nice. Credit Card and Line of Credit accounts typically have a negative or $0.00 balance, and funds spent from these accounts become debt. Saving with a purpose is better. I really like your idea of having a chart for Budgeted and Available. I'd also be motivated to continue saving overtime. To me, that's the same as right pocket=checking; left pocket=savings/buffer/emerg. I understand that in your mind, that's what a Savings account is for. There are five Budget Account options to choose from: Tough decision? You just aren't separating the purpose from the location in your mind. I'm going to do it the way JoeDid in the beginning because it works for me. I have always wanted a pie chart of my current budget allocations and available. Fungible means that the electronic representation of $1 in an online savings account … When you add an account in YNAB, you'll notice that there are two types of accounts to choose from: Budget Accounts and Tracking Accounts. Bottom line is that the current reports are all based on spending, and if you try to game the system by putting savings off-budget to include them in the spending reports, not only are you creating a lot of extra work for you, but those same reports still won't quite be accurate and will get messed up when it's time to use the money. Since the balances in these accounts don't impact your budget, you  don't need to add any of them. However, if you have a PayPal Credit account, you would choose Line of Credit. Did you read the blog post I linked to earlier? You should be looking at your budget to know how much to spend on things not what is in your bank account. Likewise, if I have to replace my tires, the tire company isn't going to charge me based on my income. How will this report clarify things or bring guidance? It gives a more far-sighted analysis and warns you before things go out of your hand. But the other reality is that the money has a reason for being in the savings account. Especially if you reallocate before spending. This resolves the issue of overspending in other categories because if funds are moved to another category the available balance is reduced in the savings category which would accurately reflect the amount allocated to savings. One that would simply fill in nominal values and then not nag you after reallocation. And while we're at it, if you simply use PayPal as a faster way to checkout and send/receive money in your other accounts, you don't even need to add it at all! However, it was and is recommended that you put your savings account in the budget group because the method teaches giving  dollars a job and PURPOSE. How would I show that account balance growing unless I transfer the funds? When the automatic transfer from checking to an on-budget savings account occurs, when and how do I assign a category? How do I reckon that $1000 as emergency fund within my budget now that I'm in the middle of a month and not starting out? Ivory Stallion So, when I started, I had a certain idea of what my monthly expenses were. If you have Yen Checking, Credit Card, and Asset accounts, on the other hand, you will need to create all … I appreciate your feedback. It would be nice if there were a report that presented a pie chart of your budget and not only your spending. Thanks for making me think about it again. I could reach my initial target balance by routinely savings and grow complacent, but if I'm accustomed to looking at a report and feeling proud that 40% of my income goes to savings goals then I'll adjust my goal and continue so that I don't have a month where my savings plummet down to 15% because I hit my target goal. These accounts should also include credit accounts from which you spend, so they're included in your budget as well. But don't tie yourself in knots making sure that the balance in your savings account equals the balance in a specific grouping of categories. As an off-budget account, I can assign a category; on budget I can't. And then to actually spend it, you'll have to bring the money back into your budget when you transfer it to the checking account (another category) and then another category when you actually spend it. If I move $100 from the available balance of the rainy day fund to cover overspending elsewhere, then the Allocation chart for the month should continue to show 0, not -100. feeling proud that 40% of my income goes to savings goals, users want to see how much they're diverting to savings. Some time this week, I'll break that $20 and use $5 as a tip when I get a pedi I think, but can't guarantee. Is my understanding correct, or is there another way to view the breakdown I've described with the savings on-budget? Identifying a lower priority category category with funds to take (or recognizing there's not one) really cements an understanding of one's inner/true priorities. The suggested report surfaces the impact of my spending on my savings. While both services can be very helpful in the creation of budgets, they have slightly different approaches. This would create new transactions that I could classify between Vaults and categories. They are accounts that typically have a positive balance because they're where you store money. It's just like moving a $5 bill from your left pocket to your right pocket... it doesn't matter what you plan to do with the money. We'll see if I change my mind. When I buy something with the cash I record it as a transaction/transfer. In a month where you don't spend anything from a Loss of Income/Medical category, there is no activity so the categories would not be represented in the chart. Nor I. That needs to happen regardless of whether the transfer has a category assigned or not. With a cult-like following, YNAB (stands for “You Need A Budget“), ... like credit cards and savings accounts, until you have everything connected that you will be using for your budget. The idea that you have to is still based on the assumption of trying accounts to categories. I suppose the success of YNAB comes from being prepared for dollar amounts in specific jobs, not percentages of income in specific jobs. This app only takes a few minutes to get started and offers workshops and budgeting advice along the way to simplify the learning. YNAB’s method teaches you to give every dollar a job, and that includes your savings dollars—pretty much the opposite of letting your dollars lounge around in a cushy savings account without purpose. Essentially, this new report would be the same as the current spending totals charts except, it would insert a slice for Category groups flagged as Savings/Internal and instead of reporting on "spending" it would reflect available funds. Which Is Better Ynab vs EveryDollar? YNAB is unlike any personal finance app, expense tracker, or money management system you’ve tried before, because it is based on our proven method— YNAB’s Four Rules. What you plan to do with the money doesn't change, just where it's located. What has become evident here is that I think of this savings account as an emergency fund -- DO NOT TOUCH THIS, JOE -- and having it out of the way, rather than still sitting in a visible account whose balance is lumped in with my available spending cash, is contrary to what I see as its "job.". I get it now, thanks! Those who pay this price can benefit from YNAB’s many features. Also, my money is scattered across multiple banks for security reasons. Today, I’m going to walk you through what these account types are for, and talk about why you might do better to just ignore them! In the basic version, transaction details have to be entered manually, while the automated … It sounds like you would be interested in a "Budgeted/Available Over Time" type of report, which seems rather complicated, but could be interesting. I was thinking in absolute values with the verbiage indicating function, like saying spent $500 doesn't have a negative sign. nolesrule If it were a new saving objective then I might just create a new category reclassify some of the transactions. I will put 100% of the cost of the HVAC replacement on my credit card. Fair point. You can look at the budget screen and compare line by line how your budget compares to your activity but I think there could be value in seeing that holistically represented. This happens naturally when reallocating (ala Rule 3). Is there a way to "turn off" the savings balance in an on-budget account, so those $$ don't show as available? This means all the dollars in your budget need jobs—it doesn’t matter if that job is immediate, a few months from now, or years down the road. You have two different YNAB options for tracking your investments. It is your "emergency fund". It's possible that what I'm looking for would be better incorporated as a Toolkit Report. I set them up in YNAB as two separate accounts: Bank’s Name Cash (tracking) and Bank’s Name Brokerage (investment). Ivory Stallion I kinda understand the want for a report like this, but at the same time I'm not sure I understand the need. If you're moving funds between accounts, check out this article on transferring money next. Ivory Stallion In YNAB, you're welcome to transfer money among various accounts, but that has no bearing on the "job" it's being saved for. Thank you so much. And if I transfer the funds, how to I assign an Emergency category? Had I focused on sticking to the budget, rather than dealing with reality, I would still be playing whack-a-mole among regular, monthly responsibilities. To state that another way, the Savings section of the chart should filter to only funds made available in the defined period. This would of course be opposite of what Ivory Stallion is wanting it to show. They are what they are. Here's a little secret: Checking, Savings, and Cash all work exactly the same. But the other reality is that the money has a reason for being in the savings account. Based on such a graph, you can take action to adjust budget entries. It also keeps track of all your spendings and earnings, thereby telling you how to budget savings in YNAB. Integrates accounts: YNAB allows you to track your spending in one place, even if you have multiple debit cards and are tracking several types of debt. Your medical emergency pot? Did n't think it would greatly reduce the feeling of scarcity most people get a! Flag on the category group as `` savings '' or `` Internal '' use in South.. Would only show savings ) in each category credit accounts from which I assign a category assigned or not ``... Can I somehow set $ 1000 as the goal of the HVAC on! Looking at your budget and not only your spending categories that trend is my understanding correct, is! 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