When submitting an application in eSirius, please be sure to answer all of the questions completely. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training” (U.S. Government Principles). Procedure. A sample semiannual report to the IO is available to assist IACUCs in preparing this report. IACUC User’s Guide. In its advisory role, the IACUC ensures that U-M’s Animal Care & Use Program continues to operate within the policies, standards, and guidelines set by the University, the State of Michigan, and the United States Government, which require a review of animal activities to ensure the humane treatment and judicious use of vertebrate animals. Guidance for IACUC Semiannual Inspections. Seek and provide veterinary care if you see lesions or signs of illness. “The institution must develop methods for reporting and investigating animal welfare concerns, and employees should be aware of the importance of and mechanisms for reporting animal welfare concerns.” (Guide, p. 23). Any questions should be directed to the IACUC office (guacuc@georgetown.edu). Working with the IACUC provides basic training on the protection of animal subjects used in research. Don't use restraint simply as a convenience in handling or managing animals. ), the IACUC is composed of: One Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine who has direct or delegated program authority and responsibility for activities involving animals at the institution. The IACUC has some discretion to define what it considers a significant change, or to establish a mechanism for determining significant on a case-by-case basis according to PHS Policy IV.C.1.a.-g. Give animals training to adapt to equipment and personnel. IACUC Guidance. Visit the Animal Welfare Information Center website, for more IACUC resources. “Some institutions use the annual review as an opportunity for the investigator to submit proposed amendments for future procedures, to provide a description of any adverse or unanticipated events, and to provide updates on work progress.” (Guide, p. 34) The PHS Policy determines the maximum interval between IACUC review and approval as 3 years, i.e., a complete de novo review is required at least every 3 years. IACUC Chair Psychology Building 603 E. Daniel Street, M/C 716 (217) 265-6413 jgulley@illinois.edu. The Guide (p. 33) describes methods for continuing review to include “continuing protocol review; laboratory inspections (conducted either during regular facilities inspections or separately); veterinary or IACUC observation of selected procedures; observation of animals by animal care, veterinary, and IACUC staff and members; and external regulatory inspections and assessments.”. IACUC Guideline 12 - Guidelines for Long-Term Care and Maintenance of Animals with Permanent Rumen Fistulas at Pennsylvania State University . USDA concurs with this alternative practice. Katherine Branson, CPIA IACUC Specialist Room 118 Observatory (217) 265-6475 labwench@illinois.edu. The IACUC … Psychologists should ensure that personnel involved in their research with nonhuman animals be familiar with these guidelines. The committee shall be composed of a Chairman and at least two other members. Investigators are expected to adhere to the standards described unless an exception has been requested and approved by the IACUC in the protocol document. This revised edition, the ARENA/OLAW IACUC Guidebook, continues to sup-port the fundamental principle on which the animal care and use program is … Continuing protocol review may consist of an annual update. DMR may not result in disapproval. IACUC is an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Membership requirements, as defined in 9 CFR §2.31, are as follows: 1. UB's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) procedures and guidelines follow nationally established standards to ensure the university's animal research and education is ethical and compliant. The IACUC should also be cognizant of the rights of whistleblowers under the AWA, which prohibits discrimination against or reprisal for reporting violations of regulations or standards under the AWA. According to federal guidelines each Institution is responsible for training its staff to meet the performance requirements cited in the PHS Policy. Ethics are professional guidelines that provide researchers with a template for making decisions that protect the research participants from potential harm. Member Conflict of Interest Policy. 008 Humane Endpoints . The IACUC should also be cognizant of the rights of whistleblowers under the AWA, which prohibits discrimination against or reprisal for reporting violations of regulations or standards under the AWA. The Guide (pp. The Guide (pp. SECTION 5: PROTOCOL FOR THE HUMANE CARE AND USE OF LIVE VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. It provides many options and possibilities for specific operational practices (e.g., how to build a well-functioning IACUC, what a functional protocol template looks like) to satisfy regulatory … IACUC guidance will be considered as procedural standards on the topics identified. National Institutes of Health (NIH), 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PDF), AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (external PDF), Tutorial: PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Semiannual Program Reviews And Facility Inspections, Semiannual Report to the Institutional Official, Sample Semiannual Program and Facility Review Checklist, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 2015. Review, at least semiannually, the institution's program for the humane care and use of animals; Inspect, at least semiannually, the institution's animal facilities (including satellite facilities); Prepare reports to the Institutional Official (IO) of the IACUC evaluations; Make recommendations to the IO on any aspect of the animal program, facilities, or personnel training; Review and approve, those components of PHS conducted or supported activities related to the care and use of animals; Review and approve, proposed significant changes to the use of animals in ongoing activities; and. The Psychological Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates (1998) Biomedical Models and Resources: Current Needs and Future ... IACUC Consultant George E. Sanders, University of Washington. The acquisition, care, housing, use, and disposition of nonhuman animals in research Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Nonhuman Animals in Research. The Code of Ethics provides extensive guidelines for how human participants should be treated in psychological research The IACUC will function according to the guidelines of the IACUC Policies and Procedures document. A free, online course primarily intended for persons sitting on an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) who conduct mandated inspections of animal facilities for compliance with U.S. regulatory standards. Facility reviews are a physical inspection of all buildings, rooms, areas, enclosures and vehicles (including satellite facilities in which animals are housed for more than 24 hours) that are used for animal confinement, transport, maintenance, breeding, or experiments inclusive of surgical manipulation. Updated quarterly, IACUC Central organizes information into pages containing links to governmental agencies, databases, examples of institutional websites, training resources, and more. This includes supervision, coordination, training, guidance, and review of every project proposed to include … The 2 valid methods of protocol review are either full committee review (FCR) or designated member review (DMR). Minimally, you must maintain daily logs of food or water intake, recording body weight at least once a week. No member wishing to participate in an evaluation may be excluded from participating. D)IRBs must follow federal guidelines, but IACUCs do not have federal guidelines to follow. Contact the IACUC office for additional details regarding dedicated surgical suites and major versus minor surgical classifications. All personnel should be sufficiently familiar with the AWR, PHS Policy, Guide, and these IACUC Policies, so that their care, treatment and use of animals will be in accordance with these principles. Avoid prolonged restraint unless it is essential for achieving the research objectives. For further questions please contact IACUC, July 2016 from AAALAC: "The Council recognizes your efforts to achieve a quality animal care and use program and commends you and your staff for the positive actions taken.". The IACUC must have a minimum of three members, appointed by the Chief Executive Officer of the research facility. Protocols involving food/water restrictions must include the following provisions: You must scientifically justify food/water restrictions for research purposes and establish a program that monitors the physiologic and behavior indexes. The original OPRR/ARENA IACUC Guidebook was published in 1992 and has served as a useful resource to the animal research community. Completed forms can be submitted electronically or by mail. Central Michigan University's IACUC is typically comprised of 10-15 individuals. Guidelines for Counting Animals and Animal Justification Numbers . Research Guidelines for Animal Use » IACUC Website » Application Procedure » Report Submission » Stetson Assurance » Training; Research Guidelines for Vertebrate Animal Use. Guidelines for anesthesia, euthanasia, and other drugs; IACUC Committee Members Sign In (University of Minnesota login and committee membership required) Subscribe to OVPR's Inquiry Newsletter. The IACUC is expected to include consideration of the U.S. Government Principles in its review of protocols. SECTION 2: CHARGE TO THE IACUC SECTION 3: PRINCIPLES FOR USE AND CARE OF LIVE VERTEBRATE ANIMALS USED IN TEACHING, RESEARCH, AND TRAINING SECTION 4: INSPECTION OF FACILITIES. IACUC Guideline 10 - Aquatic Guidelines . one member who is not affiliated with the institution other than as a member of the IACUC. References (such as the ILAR Guide, ARENA/OLAW IACUC Guidebook, the AVMA euthanasia guidelines as included in the Forms and Links section), webinars, conferences, and list-serves are utilized. IACUC’s are mandated by two different federal laws, the Animal Welfare Act and the Health Research Extension Act. Policy - An exception to an IACUC Policy must be described and justified in the Animal Protocol and approved by the full IACUC at a convened monthly meeting. The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), supported by the Animal Care & Use Office (ACUO), is ultimately responsible for approving, requiring modification of, or prohibiting the use of vertebrate animals in research, teaching, and/or testing activities at the University of Michigan. This section contains links to the primary federal and international laws and policies that govern animal research. The Guidelines discuss only methods and agents supported by data from scientific studies. Clearly define specific criteria that would trigger an animal’s early removal from the study. C)IACUCs monitor the care and treatment of animals throughout the study; IRBs do not monitor the care of human participants throughout the study. For instance, using scheduled access to food or fluid sources may be justified by describing procedures based on performance standards that assure adequate maintenance of hydration, body weight, and behavioral and clinical health. 021 Acclimation Periods. Additional information can be found on the Reporting Noncompliance webpage. and applicable federal regulations, policies, and guidelines, regarding personnel, supervision, record keeping, and veterinary care. Be authorized to suspend an activity involving animals. ... Studies of wild animals in or derived from natural settings are conducted in accordance with the Guidelines of the American Society of Mammalogists for the Use of Wild Mammals in Research, viewable at . IACUC Committee Members. A Sample Semiannual Program and Facility Review Checklist is available to assist IACUC's in performing this task. It is a good idea for the IACUC to develop guidelines or procedures for handling allegations of mistreatment or noncompliance before such allegations are raised. The IACUC is responsible for oversight of the animal care and use program and its components as described in the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy) and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide). The report will include a description of the nature and extent of the Institution's adherence to the Guide, any departures from the Guide, identified specifically with reasons for each departure stated. It is the IACUC's responsibility to clearly define and communicate its policy for determining significance to investigators. Note, semiannual reports to the IO should only be submitted to OLAW if requested, or if the institution is submitting a new or renewal Animal Welfare Assurance to OLAW and is not accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International). The review must encompass all of the criteria in the Policy at IV.C.1.a.-g. In accordance with federal guidelines (PHS Policy IV.A. The IO is required to take appropriate corrective action and report the action and the circumstances surrounding the suspension to OLAW. The nature of the protocol achieves the desired physical or physiological effect. You must scientifically justify food/water restrictions for research purposes and establish a program that monitors the physiologic and behavior indexes. The responsibilities of the IACUC regarding review and approval of proposed significant changes to animal activities can be found in the PHS Policy IV.C.1 . (Lab Animal 2010: 39(6)) (PDF). A majority vote of the quorum present is needed to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or withhold approval of a protocol. If FCR is not requested, at least one member of the IACUC qualified to conduct the review is designated by the Chair. Protocol Submission: Approval Process Using IRBNet Search for Alternatives Other Documentation Research Safety About the IACUC Policies DLAR Info Inspections Animal User Training For Grants Administration Emergencies IACUC Contacts Regulatory Information Reporting Noncompliance Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (2015) An IACUC Member's Guide to Animal Facility Inspections DHHS. The IACUC office should be able to guide researchers to available resources at their institution. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (GUIDE) IACUC applications and forms can be found on the IACUC website, or can be received by contacting AnimalCare@boisestate.edu or ORC at x65404. Many psychologists conduct research involving animal subjects. The IACUC has the authority to approve scientific justifications for departures from the recommendations in the Guide. Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Nonhuman Animals in Research was developed by the American Psychological Association Committee on Animal Research and Ethics in 2010-11. IACUC Guideline 13 - Procurement of Live Laboratory Animals . Policy and Procedure Manual Sections Relating to IACUC Section 290-30 Use and Care of Animals in Teaching and Research Section 290-25 Health Services for Individuals Having Animal Contact […] Guidelines for Non-Survival (Terminal) and Survival Surgery in Rodents Guidelines on Maintenance of Blades. Animal Care and Welfare. Katherine Branson, CPIA IACUC Specialist Room 118 Observatory (217) 265-6475 labwench@illinois.edu. OLAW encourages institutions to use or modify the document to suit the institution's needs. PIs submit their protocol usually to the IACUC administrative office at their institution. Even other scientists may have difficulty in understanding a description of animal use if written in highly technical language specific to a particular area. 2. The following guidelines were developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) for use by psychologists working with nonhuman animals. Laws, Policies, and Guidelines. Research and Economic Development 516 Capen Hall Buffalo, NY 14260-1611 (716) 645-3321, Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences (CBLS), Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics (CMI), Buffalo Institute for Genomics and Data Analytics (BIG), Policy on Approving Procedures for Animal Use Protocols, Policy on Accepting IACUC Reviews from Other Institutions, Policy on Training Requirements for Research Personnel, Reporting Injuries When Working with Laboratory Animals, Comparative Medicine Laboratory Animal Facilities (CM-LAF), Social and Behavior Research Support Office (BRO), Center for Integrated Global Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Research Institute on Addictions (CRIA), NYS Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences (CBLS), NYS Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics (CMI), UB RENEW: Research and Education in eNergy, Environment and Water Institute, Buffalo Institute for Genomics & Data Analytics (BIG), UB CAT: Center for Advanced Biomedical & Bioengineering Technology, SMART - Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Robotic Technologies, Locate Facilities and Equipment for Research & Development, Establishing Research Centers and Institutes, Forming and Funding Interdisciplinary Research Centers, Important student updates on preparing for the start of the spring semester, Forms for Researchers and Committee Members. The IACUC's mission is to ensure the proper care and humane treatment of animals. The IACUC Administrator’s Guide to Animal Program Management supports IACUC administrators who assist with developing, managing, and overseeing a program of animal care and animal use. one veterinarian with training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine, who has direct or delegated authority and responsibility for activities involving animals at the institution; one practicing scientist experienced in research with animals; one member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area (e.g., ethicist, lawyer, member of the clergy); and. The Universtity of Pittsburgh uses the internet-based Studies in Education and Research (ISER) and the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training sites for its required training. Written scientific justification is provided to and approved by the IACUC. Guidelines for Assigning Animals to Pain and Distress Categories. This seems important because the IACUC must include at least one non-scientist, and there is a presumption that all IACUC members be sufficiently informed to evaluate a protocol. When substantive modifications are required in a protocol to secure approval, the resubmitted protocol must be reviewed using either FCR or DMR. Keep the period of restraint to the minimum required to accomplish the research objective. The Committee's responsibility is to develop review and monitor all animal facilities and care practices within the institution for compliance with federal legislation agency regulations and local laws. Further, the IACUC must consult with the IO regarding the reasons for the suspension. The IACUC has a mandate to evaluate concerns regarding the care and use of animals. Animal work may not be administratively extended beyond the 3-year expiration date. For conditioned-response protocols, we recommend use of a highly preferred food or fluid as positive-reinforcement rather than restriction. DMR may result in approval, require modifications in (to secure approval), or request FCR. The format for submission may be through an online portal or may be as simple as submitting a text-based document based on the institution’s protocol template. Thorough reviews of the Checklist provides a summary page for noting and tracking deficiencies from PHS Reporting! The study designated member review ( FCR ) or designated member review ( FCR ) or designated member review DMR... To full TEXT- you will not see UConn full text APA, 2010 ) CPIA IACUC Specialist Room Observatory... Is responsible for training its staff to meet the performance requirements cited in the Guide according the. Guidelines to assist IACUCs in preparing this report accomplish the research facility excluded. 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