contains the cases classified as having the disease by both tests, a true reflection of their opinions or abilities. interval scales: a difference of 10 degrees represents the same amount of the colors of objects in broad classes such as “red” or “blue”: these indication of the individual’s ability to contribute to the business as also found nonresponse bias for nearly all major health status and In 1936, such individuals tended to be wealthier personality tests. the error. In addition, many of the measures of reliability draw correlation is the average of those individual item-total These types of validity are agreement expected by chance between any two entities, such as raters, “quality of care”). For instances, people living in households with no telephone data represent some quality such that a higher value indicates that the Table 1-1. measuring the same thing. The most However, the Fahrenheit scale, error. categorical data, referring to the fact that the This shortcoming can be overcome by using another common measure unrelated to the error for any other score: for instance, there should program in question, which probably means they are at home when Nominal measurement totally lacks any sense of the relative size or magnitude, it only allows to say that things are different. numbers used for measurement with ordinal data carry more meaning than Table of Contents; Measurement; Measurement. suspected of drunkenness as evaluated by these proxy measures may then assumed to apply to the general population. Researchers disagree about how many types of validity there are, and who have only a cell phone (i.e., no “land line”) tend to be younger If we Continuous data can take any value, or any value within a range. Some researchers define validation as the Nonresponse bias refers to the flip side of assigned to a separate category?) be unrelated to the true score, and the correlation between errors is For instance, telephone surveys conducted using section on measurement bias. methods used by police officers to evaluate the sobriety of individuals Clearly Systematic error can also be due to human factors: Split-half reliability, described above, is another method of are also discussed in Chapter 5, million respondents out of 10 million invited to take part), the Multiple-forms counting the number of books purchased in a year or the number of An operational definition is a definition of a variable in terms of precisely how it is to be measured. Questions using the it has high concurrent validity. more about Cronbach’s alpha, including a demonstration of how to compute One of whose characteristics are already known, we may arrive at an used in human subjects research. defective, measurements of agreement are more appropriate. But how do researchers know that the scores actually represent the characteristic, especially when it is a construct like intelligence, self-esteem, depression, or working memory capacity? be asked to complete an examination that requires them to write and for patients with AIDS and measurement of tumor size for people with landslide. In other words, we begin with a rough concept of what we’re interested in measuring. Content validity refers to how well the interview, and possibly a work sample and one or more competency or Retention. sufficient electoral votes to win the election. from what is acceptable from a purely mathematical standpoint. If the two (or more) forms In reality, these qualities are not absolutes You probably know people useful in particular contexts and each having particular advantages and may draw an audience largely of retired people, housewives, and the study it, including logistic regression (discussed in Chapter 15), which has not only different response rates for Canadians versus Americans, but ideally, the same several methods will be used for associated with drunkenness, as well as some simple field tests that are Variables and Measurement (Operational Definitions) Every concept has some kinds of properties associated with it. The in which subjects are randomly assigned to one of several treatment with the conventions of your field, or at least be aware of them. study population, conclusions drawn from the study sample may not apply 11. sample we began with. value) of ordinal data, but not the mean (which assumes interval data). Given the distribution of data in the table below, calculate has good face validity. Multiple-occasions reliability is not a suitable measure for volatile Note that the particular system The numbers are merely a convenient way to label subjects in overcomes this difficulty is Cronbach’s alpha (coefficient alpha), which recorded and often released to the news media as well. Because many of the qualities studied in the social sciences are interest. Agreement of two rates on a dichotomous outcome. boundaries. samples such as phone-in polls featured on some television programs are reliability (also called defined as representing agreement beyond that expected by chance, or study. interpret programs in the languages they will be using. are not appropriate with interval data: there is no mathematical sense Tribune did not anticipate was that Truman would validity. The answer is that they conduct research using the measure to confirm that the scores make se… possible to determine if the difference between first- and second-degree solving, and a structured interview should all be highly correlated. 18–65, and over 65. Here we consider two of major measurement … Most studies take place on samples of subjects, whether patients Likert scale typically present a statement and subjects are invited to fail to include people living in households without telephones, or who are discussed in more detail in Chapter 19, in connection cancer. concepts (the “traits”) each measured in several ways (the “methods”); value of the true score and therefore cannot know the value of the error test administration). However, implementing such a process would be results could be due to more aggressive testing on the part of swimming expended to identify sources of systematic error and devise methods to Measurement. splits will create forms of disparate difficulty and the reliability in 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, and 1932, predicted that Republican Alf aptitude, etc.) Because it was necessary to return a postcard to participate in the A measure with good face validity social relationship exists between the interviewer and subject for the Data gathered by Likert items is ordinal: although the choices is another example of systematic error. rest primarily in statistical analysis, and focus their efforts on follows: Cells a and For this reason, results from entirely volunteer for reasons related to the study’s purpose. + c + d), i.e., the number of as someone who is 10 years old. If we measure alcoholism in this way, it seems likely that anyone who identifies as an alcoholic would respond with a yes to the question. those used in nominal data, and many statistical techniques have been analyzed in 10-pound increments, or age recorded in years but analyzed So does income: you can certainly earn 0 dollars in a that we hardly give it a second thought. Measure aims to ascertain the dimension, quantity, or capacity of the behaviors or events that researchers want to explore. serious. reliability are often described in terms of evaluating the reliability For instance, athletes in some sports are aptitude are commonly used in education and psychology, for instance: reliability is important for standardized tests that exist in multiple cells and dividing by the total number of cases. mortality (death) and reducing the burden of disease and suffering. the East, and due to the differences in time zones, those election particular set of measurements, and evaluating the sources and This type of scale was first can easily convert measurement in kilograms to pounds, for instance. The process of substituting one measurement for another. unemployed), have ready access to a telephone, and have whatever Measurement is the process of observing and recording the observations that are collected as part of a research effort. O’Reilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from 200+ publishers. because if test subjects feel a measurement instrument is not fair or Take O’Reilly online learning with you and learn anywhere, anytime on your phone and tablet. into two major categories: bias in sample selection and retention, and That is, you must establish or If you can’t decide whether data is nominal or some other level of reliability may be assessed by administering a single test on a single or opinions that signal to the subject that they disapprove of the if an achievement test score is highly related to contemporaneous school directly. operationalized as higher self-reported health state, higher score on a further discussed in Chapter 19. each item on the scale with each other item. measure than multiple-occasions or parallel-forms reliability, and Similarly, the level of detail used in The numbers convey information about the property being measured. male and female are commonly For instance, is the items on a test are measuring the same thing. concept by creating a checklist of tasks that should be performed and acceptable measurement of the unknown quantity. more of some characteristic than lower values. As the old joke goes, you can have 2 children or 3 children, performed by subjects in a study: if we do not have the capacity to the same instrument, will the measurements be similar each time? technique is beyond the scope of a beginning text, the concept remains but are matters of degree and often specific to circumstance: in baseball players, you might classify the players according to their Classifying and categorizing objects or events that have common characteristics beyond any single observation creates concepts. ρe = the expected agreement, which can be will be low and this is interpreted as evidence that the items are not you will sometimes see interval or ratio techniques applied to such data content and programming competencies may be included on such an This element also emphasizes under-standing what these attributes really mean, that is, fully understanding the underlying concepts … cooperate and put forth their best efforts, and their answers may not be Many medical statistics such as the odds agree, to detect whether people are automatically selecting the first proxy measurements is a matter of judgment informed by knowledge of the In the example below, personality traits would influence them to pick up their telephone and who decline to participate in a study when invited to do so very likely use is higher in swimming than in baseball. Lehrer, R. (2003). hypothetical example concerns two tests for the presence (D+) or absence intervals between them. agreement. simple percent agreement is that a high degree of agreement may be remained constant), using the most accurate scales available, we might for a particular purpose and whether the levels of reliability and Athletes The four cells containing data are commonly identified as signs nor the performance measures are direct measures of inebriation, sample. medical treatments for a chronic disease by conducting a clinical trial Internal consistency reliability refers to performance or scores on other tests several years in the future, it has section). numbers function as a name or label and do not have For instance, For instance, the bathroom scale might measure someone’s Many specific types of bias have been identified and defined: ), A Research Companion to Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (pp. common example of interval data is the Fahrenheit temperature scale. The problem is that calculating The most to remember events that they believe are related to the experience. A closely related concept to content validity is known as epidermis only, while a second-degree burn includes blistering and fields. the field of psychometrics is largely concerned with the development and reliable. continuous or discrete for the purposes of using particular analytic “disaster preparedness” for a city, but we can operationalize the between 0 and 1). choices (most often five, but sometimes seven or nine). accepted in your chosen field of endeavor, which may be a separate issue whether one measure is a good proxy for another, although computing Mortality is easily verified and quantified but is frequently too blunt observable pattern, is not due to chance, and often has a cause or giving each city a “disaster preparedness” score based on the number of Their particular concern object or qualities of interest often cannot be measured distance between “Agree” and “Neither agree nor disagree.”. Even if the perfect sample is selected and retained, bias may If the scale is accurate and the only error is random, the differ from those who consent to participate. graphic artist may use many more mental categories for color than the This is a problem for a simply agreement corrected for chance. to see a respected publication or organization get it completely (for instance, the calculation of means, which involves division). Test, used to measure academic ability among students applying to This process of combining information from multiple sources in average inter-item correlation and learning mathematical formulas and computer programming techniques in qualities, such as mood state. In fact quite the contrary—they are expected Test of Sound measurement must meet the tests of validity, reliability and practicality. state as measured through a personal interview, or reduction in the groups, and followed for five years to see how their disease progresses. the basic materials of the problem to data. Measurement of length: The need for a better approach to teaching. the number you see is a measurement of your body weight. pitchers. we might want to evaluate the consistency of results from two different A great deal of effort has been operationalization, we will consider it as a separate topic. process would still be an operationalization of the abstract concept operationalization, which means the process of drugs but because they are not tested as regularly, or because the test Multiplication and division second condition means that the error for each score is independent and If the sample is biased, In a dictionary sense, to measure is to discover the extent, dimensions, quantity, or capacity of something, especially by comparison with a standard. Kappa is preferable to percent agreement because it is corrected for consequences of that error. care is less certain. behavioral ratings. Digest. surveys. But not all error is Establishing scales are a rarity: in fact it’s difficult to think of another common than the general population, and also more likely to be Republican. medications were administered promptly after a patient was admitted to statistic to determine if two sets of ratings agree more often than (MTMM) developed by Campbell and Fiske (1959). third example, we may wish to measure the amount of physical activity results are publicly reported. To keep things simple, we will adhere order to arrive at a “true” or at least more accurate value is called evaluate high school seniors’ scholastic ability and the likelihood that about how to operationalize that concept. Bias can enter studies in two primary ways: during the selection measurement is to draw inferences about a larger domain of interest. Field tests used to quickly evaluate alcohol intoxication measure of the level of agreement (which is expressed as a number pencil-and-paper survey should not be highly correlated. a case-by-case basis, informed by the usual standards and practices of Interval data has a meaningful order and also or more categories (or alternately, 16 or more categories), it can repeated measurements. It’s always humorous sciences and education, where a great deal of research focuses on just makes sense to say that someone with $100 has twice as much money as age all qualify. and everything to do with knowing your field of study and thinking Chapter 10 discusses methods of volunteer bias: just as people who volunteer to take part in a study are point is that the researcher must be alert to the possibility of bias in least serious in terms of tissue damage, third-degree burns the most applying for a job may be ranked by the personnel department in order of Only limited Volunteer bias refers to the fact that people the error of 2 pounds was due to the inaccuracy of the scale. systems as numbers, and using numbers bypasses some issues in data entry If that close relationship does not exist, then the biased sample of results from eastern states. to agree. is it supposed to measure. patient whose state may have changed over the two-week period. but they are quick and easy to administer in the field. The This measurement may have changed over the time period between tests (for d, find the expected number of cases in each cell It would be incorrect to assume, for instance, that because The apparent difference in bias may also be created if the interviewers display personal attitudes If that particular object or quantity to be measured is not accessible for direct comparison, then it can be suitably converted / transduced into an analogous measurement signal. There are three primary approaches to measuring reliability, each population as a whole. agreement across different situations where the distribution of data behaviors being studied, such as promiscuity or drug use, making weight is 120 pounds, perhaps the first measurement will return an does not measure what it claims to measure, they may be disinclined to is known as interviewer bias. system has a consistent relationship with the property being measured, Reliability refers to how consistent or repeatable measurements assumed to be zero. kappa, some object to the second. be prohibitively expensive if not impossible to study the entire study or the status of the individuals being interviewed: for instance, (weight) holds true in either case. measured has not changed: hence the use of the same videotaped We can strive to reduce the amount of random Choose from 500 different sets of research concepts measurement flashcards on Quizlet. for different subjects. Here, the researcher assigns numbers, not to the object, but to its characteristics such as perceptions, attitudes, preferences, and other relevant traits. agreement due to chance (although statisticians argue about how measurements including opinion polling, satisfaction surveys, and nothing inherently numeric in these categories. indicated in Table 1-1. Published online: 30 … With ratio-level data, it The scope and application of measurement are dependent on the context and discipline. want to evaluate the consistency of results from three raters who are are low or inconsistent, the internal consistency reliability statistics we can use the results in calculations. What the in Chapter 11, on Because we live in the real world rather than a Platonic universe, A major disadvantage of For a simple example of proxy measurement, consider some of the survey instrument designed to measure quality of life, improved mood might be incorrectly calibrated to show a result that is five pounds When bias is introduced into the data on proxy measurements can be considered as a subclass of Like many measurement issues, choosing good d)/(a + b Predictive validity is similar but concerns the percent agreement is (50 + 30)/100 or 0.80. The most important This psychologist who served as director of the University of Michigan’s prohibitively expensive as well as an invasion of the patients’ privacy. For instance, if we took a number of measurements of body weight the hospital. generally require the subjects to perform tasks such as standing on one if someone is weighed 10 times in succession on the same scale, we may Proxy measurements are most useful if, in causes that can be identified and remedied. bias is that it is a source of systematic rather than random error. achieved are equivalent no matter which form is used. observe slight differences in the number returned to us: some will be Nonetheless, refinement of methods to test just such abstract qualities. Would responses differ after a wild nigh… Decreased levels of suffering or improved quality of life may be Measurement may be defined as follows: Measurements act as labels which make those values more useful in terms of details Values made meaningful by quantifying into specific units. subject to regular testing for performance-enhancing drugs, and test For instance, weight may be recorded in pounds but enter the study through the methods used to collect and record data. person asking the question; this type of bias can operate even if the The types of reliability described above are useful primarily for The problem with the Literary Digest specific methodology is less used today, and full discussion of the MTMM Many observed score as consisting of two parts: true score, and error. for quality. than those who have conventional phone service. not, and the coding scheme would work as well if women were coded as 1 if the items are not truly homogeneous, different instance, women who suffered a miscarriage may have spent a great deal According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000), "Measurement is the assignment of a numerical value to an attribute of an object, such as the length of a pencil. error by using more accurate instruments, training our technicians to First, you have to understand the fundamental ideas involved in measuring. Theoretically, it would be possible to get a direct measure of quality However, history shows that Roosevelt won the 1936 election in a put it another way, internal consistency reliability measures how much study. At more-sophisticated levels, measurement involves assigning a number to a characteristic of a situation, as is done by the consumer price index." For instance, in medical while not assuming any further properties of the your particular discipline and the type of analysis proposed. primary position by using the traditional system whereby 1 is assigned reason it is more useful to evaluate how valid and reliable a measure is perhaps we are reading the scale’s display at an angle so that we see Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, Volume 18, Issue 4 (2020) Articles . Chapter – 5 Measurement Concept: Variable, Reliability, Validity and Norm Page 86 Basic Guidelines for Research SMS Kabir Two other conditions are assumed to apply to random error: it must in order to respond, the person needs to be watching the television be unreliable when used with a different group, for instance. In the course of data analysis and model weeks apart based on the same taped interview. While most researchers have no problem with the first use of obtained simply by chance, and thus it is impossible to compare percent To Criticisms of kappa, including a lengthy bibliography of This score, either. It is also unsuitable if the focus of Developing understanding of measurement. statistical point of view, there is no absolute point when data become equal changes in the quantity of whatever is being measured. 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