First of all you don't know if your pair is fertile.One of them or both. If the eggs were not fertilized they will be a white cotton like color. If the eggs turn white, then you need to fix the water in your aquarium as it would be too fresh and harsh for the eggs. There are a lot of different opinions online about sexing discus... read more, Gender identification of a Discus Fish is nothing short of challenging. The eggs are on a sword leaf. Have a big snakeskin turquoise? I normally artificially hatch my angels just fine but I know discus are different. Breeding 0 Comments. Please Don't mind if i say something... check the ph level,eggs won't hatch at normal ph of discus water of 7.0-7.5 ☹️... ph of around 6.3-6.5 , get at least a 36x18x18 inch tank, need very very soft water, nitrate level should not rise above 20 ppm, If the water is kept at the correct parameters,eggs will hatch in 48 hours. My Discus are not lesbians after all (they laid numerous clutches of eggs to no avail. They are in a 40 gallon tall tank, they have a few small rams and a small pleco.I fear if I try to get them out the discus will eat the eggs. Determine if the eggs were fertilized. Lower Water Hardness in Breeder Tank- This is probably the first tip to try if your discus spawns are having terrible hatch rates. hi i think you should turn your filters down take air bubbler out thats what worked for me. After two or three days, the eggs should hatch. Yesterday morning I awoke to find twenty something fry in the tank. This can be accomplished in 2 ways: A. Feed the babies several times per day minimum of 3 to 5 times per day! My own Blue Diamond at 5.5” normally produce 350 fry. I set up my dream discus tank, and made the perfect underwater world for my discus the same as many others. Only 1 hour of sunlight can improve hatching rate. Get a turkey baster and suck up all the babies and put them in the new tank by themselves. Preferably it should be 6.5 to 6.8 The eggs hatch in about 3 or 4 days, during which time the parents guard the eggs, fan them with their fins, and work them over with their mouths, cleaning them of fungus or any foreign objects that may befall them. I guess they were just practicing.) The concept is the bigger the breeding pair size, the more eggs produced. Place a tank divider in the tank so the parents and the eggs are by themselves on one side of the tank. If the eggs were not fertilized they will be a white cotton like color. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Second is your ph lower than 7? In most respects, Discus Fish spawn like angelfish. What do I do now? Do not use any kind of chemical. One of the primary reasons is inexperience. just remain calm and follow these simple steps. Or just hope for the best? The excitement is then quickly interrupted when worry and concern takes over. If your water is hard then the eggs from a protective shell before the … I thought there was a lack of gametes involved. This is their 5th batch. If your discus pair has stopped breeding, don't worry. Join our friendly community of discus collectors: Copyright © 2013-2021 First thing that comes to my mind is they’re just a young pair and they’re eating them. Please make the eggs dry and start hatch … We’re going to give you water parameters, temperatures, pH, the whole nine yards, and at the same time show you the conditions that the fish have and where they’re laying the eggs and how the eggs hatching, and how they breeding pairs actually take care of their babies, so welcome aboard and enjoy. The most exciting moment for any discus keeper is the day that their discus fish lay eggs. After 48 – 60 hours, the first young will already swim free. Slowly stir any floating eggs into the water. What’s the problem? Need to receive enough light : Sunlight is the best option of higher hatching rate. It could be a number of things. Don't be surprised to find a kindred spirit in your own backyard; the cult of the Discus is far reaching! I have a blue turquoise & a golden discus ( not really sure of the correct breed) who have been guarding eggs. Usually, first hatch appears in 6-10 hours under sunlight and most of them hatch out in 24 hours. All rights reserved. When hatching normal cysts, the complete separation of brine shrimp nauplii from their shells is not always possible. We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. They will eat the slime/mucus off the sides of the parents. Do a partial water change after each feeding. my discus paired eggs did not turn orange color, but still hatched into fries. If you are not getting many discus fry from your discus breeding pair spawns, then try some of these tips below to hopefully help maximize your discus spawn yields. Even seasoned keepers can sometimes have difficulty determining... read more, My name is Michael Wells, owner of my own hatchery. HOW SHOULD I... read more, Your breeding pair of discus has spawned, the eggs have hatched, and the parents have successfully guarded the wigglers.... read more, In this article, we'll add a few more suggestions to help you become a successful discus breeder! Can anything be done to keep the others away? Most discus and angelfish prs get it right after 5 or 6 attempts but some can take longer. Then cut it to size and place it in the tank. At, you will find some of the rarest and most sought-after strains of vintage and original discus bloodlines available in the hobby. As long as the pair... read more, Sometimes discus fry don't attach to their parents after they start free swimming. I need to buy some more tanks and filters and maybe even a new house to be able to store all of these additional tanks! Separate the pair with the eggs from the rest of the fish in the tank. How to Breed Angelfish: Getting the Eggs (Part 1) fishkeepingworld Mar 12, 2020 comments off. Where am i going to put over 100 discus babies? Come join the discussion about collections, displays, product reviews, accessories, classifieds, breeding, health, behavior, housing, care, and more! If you want them to hatch, … Unhatched cysts and empty shells can cause mortalities in fish fry, as pieces of the shell or chorion can be lodged in the digestive tract of the fish. How Long Will It Take for Discus Fish Eggs to Hatch? Let the eggs receive sunlight as long as possible in the temperature range. Fresh Water Tips for Keeping Your Discus Fish Healthy. JavaScript is disabled. There are invariably some Discus fanciers in the group; perhaps even a breeder or two. This is usually due to the … For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss’ original breeding stock in the world. Having hard water in your discus breeding aquarium will cause the shell of the newly laid … Rotifers look almost like saw dust. At this point I remove any unhatched eggs and any deformed fry I … Discus fish lay eggs without much difficulty but they often eat them or the eggs do not hatch. I have a mix for the fry to … Remove all the other fish in the tank and place them in a different tank. The process involves some work but it is very exciting! After about 60 hours (dependent on water temperature), the eggs hatch. If out of 24 hours some of eggs still not hatch. Some people market Discus as small as 2 cm (0.8 in); even an expert is hard press… High pH is not the only reason, but it will indicate harder water, which is a problem with discus spawn hatchout. If the eggs were fertilized they will be a gold or some other non-white color. It is critical that partial water changes are performed after every feeding! The eggs will usually hatch in about 4-5 days. I hope this helps you the next time your discus laid eggs! HOW DO I... read more, Since many people desire these sociable and intelligent fish, discus breeding pays well. Sometimes, it can take an extra day, but rarely will you see the eggs hatch earlier than that. Solving the Problem of Lost, Free-swimming Fry, Obtaining a Breeding Pair, Spawning, and Timing, An Old School Breeder’s Discus Journey: Discus as a Second Career by Michael Wells, 10 Tips on Getting Discus Fry to Attach to Breeding Pairs. If the eggs remain transparent and no babies are born, then either you have two females who have laid eggs together or the male Discus is too young to be able to fertilize the eggs. 2. 60 gal planted aquarium with 4 other discus. 6. If out of 24 hours some of eggs still not hatch. Hexamita is a flagellate protozoa that affects the gastrointestinal tract of ornamental fish. further research indicates that the eggs may not even hatch due to my water pH (7.6)and hardness (0gh,3-4 kh).The hardness shouldn't really be a … 2. I'm really excited about this now and any … For one, cyst shells are not introduced into the culture tanks. trying to get to the eggs. When the eggs hatch you they do not have to be fed directly as they instinctively feed off a secretion delivered from their mother. it is very small fine grade food. A quick and cheap tank divider can be made by going to Home Depot and buying a milk create light filter for drop ceilings. Very good advice,however,many people have created almost the perfect environment for their discus fish,including myself,but have not succeeded in bringing up discus babies. Dry eggs float on the surface of the water. Water Parameters, Temperatures, and pH. Seems like quite a few are hatching this time. The fish might not ready to become a parent. The tank is pretty big so i don't think the other fish will bother the eggs. The babies will grow fast. Please make the eggs dry and start the hatch process again. Discus are considered to be the “King” of all tropical fish. Separate the pair with the eggs from the rest of the fish in the tank. In the meantime, visit our boutique and build your dream tank today. They will fan fresh water over the eggs to ensure high levels of oxygen and they will also remove any unfertilized eggs to prevent bacteria growth and mould. My hatchery is located in Garfield Heights, a suburb... read more, WILL MY BREEDING PAIR SPAWN AGAIN? The parenting Discus will even pick off and consume the unfertilized eggs to eliminate the chance of disease spreading to healthy eggs. Discus is among one of the most prominent fish that people like to see in their aquariums. Has anyone got any tips on how to care for the eggs? Insert a sponge filter and keep the water temp the same as your main tank. If the eggs are turning white it means that they are dead. Hope they don't get eatten : A million thoughts start running through your mind. Discus Care Tips & Fish Keeping Articles. They could also be feeling unsafe which is why they eat their eggs. Breeding discus can be very challenging, even for... read more, If you want your discus to produce more spawn and fry, then this article is for you! A day to day plan would be helpful. B. That way you only have the pair and the eggs left in the tank. You can expect the eggs to hatch in about 3-4 days, depending on the conditions. The white eggs will not hatch and usually the discus pair will eat the white eggs. Many people want them, but few... read more, Sexing discus fish is not an easy task. To be honest i didn't expect my 2 discus fish to have eggs. Discus eggs will hatch within 48 hours if the water temperature is right. By the time the eggs are sixty hours old the eggs should have hatched with the fry moving on their strings attached to the pvc. A good source of Discus can often be located through one's local aquarium society. If you discus laid eggs- no need to worry. The young will be placed, by the parents, on a different place of the breeding medium, until they can swim on their own. 1. Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Pinterest. **Be careful overheating retain temperature between 77°F and 90°F. From this stage the eggs will hatch within 48 hours. My first discus breeding story. I have other fish in the tank too. The white eggs will not hatch and usually the discus pair will eat the white eggs. Usually, first hatch appears in 6-10 hours under sunlight and most of them hatch out in 24 hours. Discus actually let the eggs hatch this time. I start to give more attention to this tank by giving bigger portions of food and also the number of discus in a particular tank is limited to only 10-12, so they can grow to its maximum size (tanks size 1.5m/400 litre). 4. 5. Anyone has any idea why my Discus Fish eggs does not hatch? pearls7_discus 2019-02-06T20:54:26-05:00. If you want to breed discus fish successfully, finding out why discus fish eat their eggs is essential. This is an amazing feeling an accomplishment. Watch for the eggs hatching. Quite often they eat the eggs when first laid, then they start to guard the eggs but eat the babies when they first hatch. This is very common when the pair is young. Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. This will protect the eggs against fungus and bacteria that may turn them white, and white eggs will not hatch, as they are dead eggs. HI my discus finally spawned, my question is would I get more fry artificially hatching them or letting them be parent raised? If you notice the parents eating the eggs while you are waiting, consider moving the parents and following the instructions for raising discus without parents instead. However, the young fish, or fry, typically remain attached to the egg site for some time. It will not be difficult to obtain the names of dealers and breeders, and importantly, the impression of others, as to their integrity. We pride ourselves for our superb customer service and high quality discus. After 3 days of the babies eating off the parents, start feeding rotifers to the babies. Do not do any water changes until the eggs hatch. 3. Discus pairs are attentive parents and will guard and care for the eggs together. Another reason is that the egg might be unfertilized. Re: Discus egg could not hatch no offence, if a paired without fries with it inside the same tank, may not be a pair. Do not be discouraged if the pair eats all the eggs the first few spawns. Once the babies are no longer eating off the parents and are eating only rotifers, then prepare a 20 gallon fish tank using the same aquarium water from your main tank. To know that your discus keeping skills have come to a point where your water parameters, maintenance and feeding is perfect. You can use brightness lamp if sunlight is not provided. This could be caused by either poor water quality, lack of aeration or they weren't are some possible reasons 1. A forum community dedicated to Aquarium owners and enthusiasts. Once they start to spawn they will spawn every few days for the next 5 weeks! The eggs aren't on a breeding cone they are attached to the wall of the tank. At this stage I sometimes add the air flow, but I think you could wait a bet yet to do that. My discus laid eggs but they’re not hatching. At this point in time, you will need to keep a close eye on the water parameters and the tank conditions. If there are items you are looking for but can’t find on our state-of-the-art website, please contact us and we will do our best to find what you need. Discus Fish Care Secrets: HOW TO MAKE A DISCUS BREEDING ENVIRONMENT IN YOUR TANK, Freshwater Fish Diseases,Algae Issues,Emergencies, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. This will cost you less than $15. 3/5/07 Hello Mich, Good news. The reason could be one or a combination. Usually this is a problem with... read more. Once the eggs hatch the babies will attach to the sides of the parents. Only reason, but it is critical that partial water changes are performed after every feeding something! Eggs should hatch down take air bubbler out thats what worked for me eggs are by themselves one! Blue turquoise & a golden discus ( not really sure of the parents * careful... 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